It’s been more than “20” months since PiercingMetal has offered readers a giveaway and this notice marks our first-ever event that’s being delivered virtually so it’s rather exciting that this is the path back to what we hope is a regular occurrence once again.
The Details: In 2021 the legendary Anthrax will celebrate their 40th Anniversary and in honor of this occasion the band will be delivering a special livestream concert that is bound to be loaded with their greatest songs and most probably a whole lot of surprises. The virtual experience comes care of Danny Wimmer Presents and thanks to their marketing team some of the PiercingMetal readership will be getting the chance to enjoy this livestream for free. Let’s go over some of the details on how you participate in this giveaway.
When and Where: Friday, July 16th via your preferred streaming device in the comforts of your own home.
To Participate: Since this is our first giveaway in quite some time I am going to ease back into it but not make it all that easy to win one of the access codes. Please name for me your very favorite “3” Anthrax albums along with a quick notion on why you love each of them more than the rest. Then I’d like you to line out your very favorite Anthrax songs. You can type up to “5” of them but no less than “3” please because I just want to see who the diehards are. As a bonus notion, you can tell me how many times you’ve seen Anthrax in concert over the years. I think that is simple and straight to the point and makes for some good reading once all is said and done. Please refer to the guidelines below as its important for this type of giveaway.
– Enter only once. Comments are moderated and don’t appear immediately after submission so be patient and don’t enter numerous times. You should see “your comment is awaiting moderation” once you submit it. It will appear once I approve it. Make sure you are entering a NEW comment and not replying to another contestant’s entry.
– Number the requirements for ease of knowing if you followed the instructions or not.
– The entry should be a good read, so a sentence or two of facts that make up your required three items. Saying “because it rules dude” will not impress me and not help your cause.
– Please enter your full real name in the comment form along with an email address that you can be reached at if you win. This is super important because I will be sending you to livestream code. Please do NOT put this information in the comment itself out of privacy concerns.
– Only enter if you really have interest in watching this livestream.
– Subscribe to the comments and check back to see them so you know if you won or not.
– Compose your entry on a text editor and then paste it into the comment form so you don’t lose any work. We’ve learned that sometimes a mobile feed is tricky so be sure to have a strong signal or use a laptop.
Bring it on as this one will close by Thursday 7/14 because we MUST get the codes back to the winners so they can access the stream on 7/16.
Restrictions: PiercingMetal giveaways are open to our worldwide site visitors and Social Networking Followers (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) and we always look for submissions from those who might not have won in the past. Since this is a virtual event there are no physical tickets to keep in your trinkets box but the coolest part is you don’t have to leave your couch to enjoy it. “Guest” and “Anonymous” submissions will NOT be honored so make sure you have your name in the specified part of the comment entry.
If You Win This Contest: If you are marked as one of the winners for this contest, I will be reaching out to you about the access code so you can enjoy the stream. I will also be sharing the information you will need should you encounter any issues with the livestream. You can also expect an email to the provided address reminding you of the win so make sure that is listed as a safe domain to receive notes from.
Favorite albums:
1. Persistence of Time- this was only the second Anthrax album I ever bought, and then first at the tone of it’s release. The music is heavy with memorable riffs and lyrics, and is one that I would listen to a lot in high school. it became a very important part of my teenage years.
2. Among the Living- considered by most to be Anthrax’s best album, and it’s easy to see why. it’s an absolute thrash metal classic with unforgettable and genre defining tracks. That are played with energy and ferocity that stand the test of time.
3. Worship Music- perhaps the greatest comeback album and thrash metal history. it’s incredible that all these years later Anthrax can still deliver music at this excellent level. great lyrics, heavy riffs that make it an absolute modern classic.
Favorite songs:
1. ADI: the horror of it all
2. In my world
3. H8R
4. I’m alive
5. Metal thrashing mad
I’ve seen Anthrax live only once sadly
Good stuff Gio and it all works for me. You’ll receive a code to access the Livestream as soon as they send them out to the giveaway hosts. We expect to be sending them to winners on Thursday.
My favorite Anthrax albums are
1. Spreading the Disease. Gung ho , Medusa, AIR.
2. Among the Living. The title track plus Indians, Caught in a mosh ” Talking to you is like clapping with one hand” 😆
3 For all Kings. To be playing at this level at their ( and my) age is unbelievable.
Hard to narrow down my favorite songs but
1 Metal Thrashing Mad. The first song i heard from them and was hooked.
2. Only. I feel the John Bush material doesn’t get as much credit as it should.
3. You Gotta Believe. Charlie Benante smokes on that song( the whole album actually)
Hey Dennis, this is perfect for what I asked from the readers. You will receive a code to access the Livestream as soon as they send them out to the giveaway hosts. We expect to be sending them to winners on Thursday.
1 -Spreading The Disease.
This album that turned me on to the band. I love the whole record.
2 – State Of Euphoria
A great follow up to among the living. Played the hell out of this on cassette.
3 -We’ve Come For You All
My favorite with John Bush on vocals. Dimebag and Roger Daltrey play on this album. Enough said.
My Favorite Songs
Strap it on
Hey Bill this is perfect and I just love seeing what everyone’s favorite Anthrax albums and songs are. You will receive a code to access the Livestream as soon as they send them out to the giveaway hosts. We expect to be sending them to winners on Thursday.
1. State of Euphoria – Their cover of Anti/Social & video are legendary. The original video had a cameo from Ozzy. This release was one of my favorites.
2. Among the Living – Indians, caught in a mosh, among the living are thrash staples 🤘 Among, Among, Among!!!!
3. Sound of white noise – I am a huge fan of Armored Saint & John Bush. This release did not disappoint. Only is a classic!
Favorite songs:’
1. Metal Thrashing mad- where it started for me
2. Anti Social – a great sing along thrasher
3. Among the Living – ultimate chorus & a rager
4. who Cares wins – underrated song & video . Back in the day, That video made me scared of New York.
5. Keep it in the Family – a great song from persistence of time!
I’ve been fortunate to see anthrax live 6 times🤘🤘🤘 1st time in 88
Hey Doug, this is awesome and thanks for participating. You will receive a code to access the Livestream shortly. Please stay tuned.
Thanks Ken! I am stoked to check this out!
What a great performance & setlist🤘the strong representation from State of Euphoria was a nice surprise & highlight! Now it’s dark was epic! Have viewed 2 times so far! Thanks Again Ken for the opportunity to watch this🤘🔥🤘
3 Favorite Anthrax albums:
1. Among the Living
2. Spreading the Disease
3. Persistence of Time
Top 5 Anthrax songs:
1. Medusa
2. Indians
3. Skeleton in the Closet
4.Lone Justice
5. A.I.R.
Times I have seen Anthrax live : 3
Hey Mike this all works for me so please watch your email for a redemption code and the instructions. We learned that this stream will be available On Demand past today until 7/25 so enjoy the mosh.
1. Fistful of Metal- This was the heyday of thrash. The first album I heard, and still the heaviest in my opinion.
2. Spreading The Disease- The debut of the classic line up. Gave a new dimension to an already powerful entity.
3. Among The Living- Let’s face it. This album put them on the world metal map. Made them a cross over success, and not crossover like the Crumbsuckers. Put them on the lips on common people.
1. Madhouse
2. NFL
3. Time. I know its a cover. Written by a much better musician than has ever been in this band. It was a great choice.
4. Death From Above
5. I Am The Law. What can I say, I’m a geek.
This is spot on Myk, and while the original event has passed, it is available On Demand until 7/25 so please await your instructions and redemption code to the email in your entry. Enjoy the Mosh!…
Anthrax…..where do I start? Being a metal head in the 80s was the best thing in the world and living in Brooklyn made it even better. Anthrax was a band that spoke to me with their grabbing combination of crunch, melody, and themes. Saw them many times live over the years, the last of which was with Slayer a few years ago.
Top 3 Albums:
1. Spreading The Disease
Well fistful of metal was a great debut, Spreading the Disease to me was the spring board to my lifelong fandom. The musicianship was on point from Charlie’s blistering drums, Frankie’s deep bottom baselines and the intoxicating hooks, riffs, and solos from Dan and Scott. Not a bad song on the record at all and Joey’s vocals drove home that Anthrax was here to stay.
2. Among the Living
this is the album that made me love the band not only as musicians but as fellow comic book and Stephen King fans. Not only were the songs as heavy and melodic as I loved, but the songs were also hitting me at home with subjects like Stephen Kings “The Stand” as well as Judge Dredd.
3. Persistence of Time
This album runs out my top three, while I do love their latest releases a ton it still goes back to the 80s and 1990 for me. What are the best things about this album is the tone, it’s a crisp and dark album at the same time . Some great songs that to this day sound fresh.
Top 5 songs:
OK before I actually list my top five, how the hell do you only pick five Anthrax songs it’s almost impossible but I’ll try.
1. Medusa
2. The Enemy
3. Indians
4. Belly of the Beast
5. Be All End All
5b. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (gotta have a B side)
Hey Steve this is fantastic and while the original broadcast was last Friday, you can enjoy the stream until 7/25 so stay tuned for your redemption code.
Spreading the Disease because it was the first Anthrax album I heard
State of Euphoria received it as a Secret Santa present in 8th Grade love their cover of Trust’s Antisocial
Among the Living old school thrash
Favorite songs
I am the Man- I am so bad I should be in detention
Caught in A Mosh classic Anthrax
I am the law Judge Dredd baby
Antisocial cover but much faster than Trust
Madhouse first song I remember hearing
Hey Greg this works for me and while the original broadcast was last Friday, you can enjoy the stream until 7/25 so stay tuned for your redemption code.
First of all, I lost track of how many times I saw Anthrax. The one I remember the most is when they opened for Metallica with Raven as headliner.
The first “record” I purchased was the single produced by Ross the Boss, Which I still have. Soldiers of Metal with Howling Furies. Love both these songs.
Next up was Fistful of Metal. Love that album.
Lastly, and this is not to diss the Belladonna Era but want to mention Sound of White Noise as the epitome of the Bush era
Hey Ewok, with only a couple of days left to enjoy the livestream (it ran on 7/16) I am saying okay to get the code so stay tuned for the redemption instructions.
Favorite albums:
Among the living
State of Euphoria
Persistence of Time
Worship Music is also really good for one of the newer ones
Favorite songs:
Caught in a Mosh
Got The Time
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L)
Not part of the contest but best episode of Married With Children: My Dinner With Anthrax
Hey Kimmy and Brent we are down to the wire and I think you sent a good entry so a code is on the way. Enjoy the mosh!!!
Top 3 albums-
Spreading the Disease
Among the Living
Sound of White Noise
Top 3 songs-
I Am The Law
Bring The Noise
I don’t think I’ve had the chance to see them live, unfortunately
This is proper stuff Skott so you are going to get the chance to see the band live from the comforts of home. Just sit close to the TV in the dark and you will think you’re at a show. Your code is on the way.
Alright my readers, you might think me to be “Metal Thrashing Mad” for saying this, but the chance to get “Caught In A Mosh” for free is now at an end. I really enjoyed holding this giveaway for the fantastic Anthrax 40th Anniversary livestream but its time to close this giveaway and say thanks to all those who participated and gave some interesting comments. I watched it as well and look forward to seeing them in concert once again in real life. Though the freebies are done, we welcome any fans that still want to toss their thoughts into the mix. There won’t be a prize of any kind but I don’t mind hearing what more people like about the legendary Anthrax.