Win A Ticket To See Kamelot @ Playstation Theater On 9/14/2019

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As it’s been awhile since we’ve done a proper ticket giveaway contest I figured there was no better show to get back into practice with than the return of Kamelot to NYC and their wonderful Finnish supporting acts of Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast. We’re well past our 250th overall contest and are closing in on a milestone number of tickets being dished out. Let’s get down to business.

show posters, kamelot, kamelot show posters

The Details: When I launched PiercingMetal back in 2005, one of the greatest things about doing this kind of thing was getting to learn more about new and exciting bands. Back in our early days we did just that and not only was I witnessing the awesome from bands like Kamelot and Sonata Arctica, I have had numerous chats with them over the years and consider them vital parts of this outlets growth and positive support of Metal. I am fortunate for our positive exchanges and absolutely honored by the chance to offer our lucky diehards a ticket to this sure to be extraordinary show. When you add the might of Battle Beast as well, this is just a win, win, win sort of night. Now onto the finer points and how to participate.

When and Where: Saturday, September 14th @ Playstation Theater, 1515 Broadway, NYC

To Participate: Considering how important both Kamelot and Sonata Arctica are to my humble beginnings, I am going to make you work for this one. Don’t worry, its easier than I make it sound. The interested need to tell me three things about Kamelot that make them most interested in this show AND also three things about the Finnish superstars in Sonata Arctica that fall into the same reason you must be there. If you’ve never seen either band well you are really going to need to convince me why you cannot miss this one so get thee to Spotify for a crash-course in both acts. Special extra credit for those who add a notion about Battle Beast. Now before you begin this assignment, you should review some important items.

– Enter only once. All comments are moderated and will not appear immediately after submission so be patient and don’t enter numerous times. You should see “your comment is awaiting moderation” once you submit it.
– Number them for ease of knowing if you followed the instructions or not.
– The entry should be a good read, so a sentence or two of facts that make up your required three per band. Saying “because they rule dude” will not impress me and not help your cause.
– Please enter your full real name in the comment form along with an email address that you can be reached at if you win. This is necessary for listing purposes. Please do NOT put this information in the comment itself out of privacy concerns.
– Only enter if you can and will attend the show should you win and it’s logistically possible to do so. If you live a couple of hundred miles away we don’t think you’re coming here for a show in NYC so you should not enter this giveaway.
– Subscribe to the comments and check back to see them so you know if you won or not.
– Make sure you are entering a NEW comment and not replying to another contestant’s entry as that makes notifying you difficult.
– Compose your entry on a text editor and then paste it into the comment form so you don’t lose any work. We’ve learned that sometimes a mobile feed is tricky so be sure to have a strong signal or use a laptop.

Bring it on as this one will close by end of business the Thursday preceding the show or when our allotment has been depleted. Obviously the best entries will win over some others.

Restrictions: All contests are open to our regional site visitors, Facebook Page likers and Twitter Followers and we always look for submissions from those who might not have won in the past. Contests have slowed down some so that is a non-issue for this one. This is for a Single Ticket only and no plus ones are available. If you absolutely must have a guest, we suggest that you purchase a ticket for that person should you become a winner. “Guest” and “Anonymous” submissions will NOT be honored so make sure you’ve got your name somewhere on the entry.

If You Win This Contest: If you are marked as one of the winners for this contest, here is how to claim the ticket. On the night of the show go to the venue Box Office and ask for the PiercingMetal Contest List. Please bring proper identification (driver’s license, passport, NYC ID card) and you will be given your ticket to enter. If you encounter any difficulty, please politely ask for an onsite manager and cite how this contest was done in coordination with the CEG Music promoters of the show and You can also expect an email to the provided address reminding you of the win so make sure that is listed as a safe domain to receive notes from. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Official Links:
Sonata Arctica:
Battle Beast:

23 thoughts on “Win A Ticket To See Kamelot @ Playstation Theater On 9/14/2019”

  1. I must admit, the first time I ever heard of either of these bands is through PiercingMetal over a decade ago. They have become two of my favorites. They compliment each other so well on tour. Three comments / compliments on each band.

    1) Some of my favorite ballads of all time are Don’t You Cry, Glory, Abandoned and Under Grey Skies. Really powerful and beautiful. Kamelot has so many songs that move you.

    2)Thomas Youngblood is a master metal-craftsman. Songs sung by Mark Vanderbilt (Song of Roland), Roy Khan (The Haunting – Somewhere in Time) or Tommy Karevik (My Confession) all sound amazing. Very diverse sound and subject matter. By the way Tommy can cover them all perfectly and I’m really glad he is in the band.

    3)They are amazing live. I don’t want to miss a show. Fast and furious, then melodic, then furious again. Quite a ride. A band not to be missed.

    Sonata Arctica:

    1) White Pearl, Black Oceans and Pt II “by the Grace of the Ocean”. Pure poetry, incredible concept, so dynamic. Those songs truly show the vast scope and brilliance of this band.

    2) Very excited for the new album Talviyo (Winter Night). Hoping they play new songs from that live.

    3) I’m a fan of Finnish culture. I’ve been to Norway twice, but not Finland. It’s on my list. I would like to appreciate that music / culture while they are in NYC. Finland has so many great bands and Sonata Arctica is at the top of that list.

    1. That’s a fantastic submission Jimmy and because of it YOU are going to see Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this coming Saturday. Please refer to the section marked “If You Win This Contest” for the full details on how you claim your ticket at the show.

  2. This is a great pairing of the most melodic power metal bands. Battle Beast is truly the icing on the cake.
    I’d like to see Kamelot because
    1. Their knack for combining epic melodies while still staying heavy .
    2. Being a fan of current singers other band Seventh Wonder, I’d like to hear more of his work.
    3. I have seen Kamelot before but in smaller venues so I imagine the stage show in the nice and large PlayStation theater will be something incredible to behold.

    Sonata Arctica is always a treat because
    1. One of the pioneering bands of the genre they have varied their sound and still manage to surprise.
    2. Like Kamelot, I have never seen them in a venue of this size. Should be even more amazing than usual I imagine.
    3. Their new album has received some criticism for being a bit low energy. I’d like to hear those songs live with more bite to them hopefully.

    1. Good thoughts Steven, YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”. I’m sure I’ll see you like all of the others at the show. Good fun music awaits us all.

  3. Kamelot doesn’t tour that often and it’s been a long time since I have seen them. I haven’t seen the latest singer and it would a pleasure. It’s a great power metal performance.
    Sonata Arctica has skillful writing. Seeing them live is escaping from reality. They have a wonderful vibe that even a nooby can enjoy.

    1. Brief and to the point so we will say okay for this go round ;p We like to bring out the epic writer in our readers usually. That said, YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”.

  4. Kamelot :
    1. I been a fan of Kamelot since “The Black Halo” came out and seen them only once with their former vocalist Roy Khan back in 2007 in BBKINGS and have never experienced their new vocalist “Tommy Karevik” so it has been a few years and I would like to see how well Tommy Karevik pulls off the songs since he is in the other band Seventh Wonder which is also great .
    2. Their new album “Shadow Theory ” was really good because there are a few tempo and time signature changes scattered throughout the album that are great to listen to and it really gets your blood pumping. It would be cool to hear some new songs performed live at the venue from that album.
    3. I think the lineup is pretty solid because you have two great Power Metal bands plus Battle Beast with a female fronted band makes this whole bill pretty much epic . Battle Beast I have never seen live and I love Noora’s energy when she sings. I like the fact that these bands can come together especially since the venue will be closing it would be a great last memory I will have being there since I been going since 2006.

    Sonata Arctica :
    1. Very first Power Metal band I ever got into back in 2004 and they have always been that band that I can say got me into other bands , so they paved the way for me to research more power metal bands which surprisingly led me to Kamelot as well back in the days .
    2. I like the fact that this band can go from melodic ballads songs to very cheesy songs and still catch the attention of their fans throughout the years . Sonata is known for their great keyboard/guitar combo riffs which is always fun to listen to .
    3. Tony Kakko has a unique voice that I can listen to all day and has been one of my favorite power metal vocalists since I started my journey with power metal back in the early 2000’s, so it would be cool to get that nostalgic feeling live at the show.

    1. Now that is the kind of answers I am looking for Irina and because of this fine work YOU are going to see Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast this coming Saturday at the soon to be closing Playstation Theater. Please refer back to the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest” as most of the details on how you claim your ticket are there. I will be doing a reminder as well closer to the show.

  5. Sonata Arctica:
    1. I’d love an appreciate an opportunity to see Sonata Arctica because despite my varied taste in music, they have always been one of my favorite bands. Its so easy to get lost in the energy and emotion of their music that you could easy forget you’re in a NYC venue.
    2. Having beautiful cover art for each and every album is certainly a reason to love and adore a band….wolves, all of the wolves! <3
    3. Sonata Arctica has always been a band with so much passion for their music that they aren't afraid to try something new or different. They're an inspiration to all aspiring musicians to go out there and give your best.
    1. I'd love a chance to see Kamelot live because Spotify and YouTube could never do justice to the beautiful poetry and melody of their songs live. To see my favorites both old and new like Liar Liar live is an opportunity not to be missed.
    2. Even with Roy's departure from the band, Kamelot has put out albums and performances that do not dissapoint. Their music is fun, unique and approachable for all lovers of music, not just those of the metal variety.
    3. Kamelot and Battle Beast are a wonderful match up. Their songs are the kind that get stuck in your head for long after they've stopped playing. Beautiful artists with amazing voices, who wouldnt want a magical night seeing them perform with the mighty Sonata !?

    1. Very nicely put together Alyssa, I love when our readership listens and makes the proper effort. YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”. What a night of Metal awaits us.

  6. Well I’ll start with Sonata –
    1) I’ve been a HUGE fan of Sonata since their 1st album Ecliptica. I remember finding them to download on a random Metal blog and just being mesmerized from the very opening of the album. Something I’d never heard of before and such a unique style than anything I had ever listened to in the past, but I was hooked!
    2) Over the years they’ve gone through a transition of styles, to some “softer” songs, more ballads, slower at times than the earlier albums yet still these songs have such passion and heart behind them. And then you see them live, and they sound just as heavy as their older faster songs. Everyone singing along and head banging, that’s a band who knows their fans and can write music to really capture everyone in the room.
    3) Tony Kakko. I mean, do I have to say more? Tony’s voice is one of the most unique in all of Metal. Beautiful yet passionate. This man could sing a Walmart circular and make you weak in the knees just listening to it.

    Fun Fact – I was on my very 1st date with Alyssa the night of Sonata at Stage 48. I left the date to go see Sonata play, and still married the girl – so that has to tell you how important Sonata is!

    Kamelot admittedly I never really gave a chance until more recently.
    I saw them last year at Irving as a headlining act when we were mostly there for Battle Beast and I was seriously Impressed.
    1) Tommy is an insane vocalist, and revisiting their old discography I really wish I could have seen them when either Mark or Roy was the vocalist as each one of them had a different yet similar style.
    2) Their live show! They turned me from a guy standing in the back by the bar to in 30 minutes banging my head along to these songs which I hadn’t listened to before. I mean, that’s gotta tell you something!
    3) Their artwork is beautiful on all their albums and shirts. I’ve always seen people wearing their shirts and though they looked cool, but just always passed them by. But I’m definitely glad that I’ve become a fan now!

    And lets not forget Battle Beast – Noora is absolutely AMAZING on stage and in person!

    1. Hell yeah Pete, now that is what I am talking about. To think that people sometimes complain about these homework assignment requests of mine. As you sound like a properly schooled Fan of That Metal Stuff, YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”. It’s going to be a night of nights for sure.

  7. Thanks for this opportunity, Ken! Hope to see you at this show, BABYMETAL’s, or the Amorphis/Delain one!

    1. I first learned about Kamelot a decade ago when I was in high school because I heard a food vendor in Salem, MA playing them in his truck during an autumn Wiccan festival while I was there on a school trip. Their mystical, mythical energy mixed well with the witchy air that night. I asked him what the music was and checked them out. Not sure how soon I would’ve heard them if not for that encounter! A favorite band ever since!
    2. Kamelot always has amazing guest musicians and vocalists (like Simone Simons and Shagrath) on their albums and the first time I saw them live in Atlanta, GA, they had Alyssa White-Gluz doing vocals with them for the whole show! A great connection as I love her work with The Agonist! That tour also introduced me to Delain, who I’m seeing later this month because I fell in love with that band during that show! (And their vocalist Charlotte Wessels ended up guesting on Kamelot’s Haven!) I even started listening to Amaranthe because of Elize Ryd’s guest vocals on Silverthorn! All because of Kamelot!
    3. I’ve seen Kamelot twice before, but the last time I was late to the show and missed Battle Beast and couldn’t get close up front like how I always do. I hate missing opening bands and not having a good view, so I vowed that the next time I saw them, I’d be early–and this is my chance to make good on that promise!

    Sonata Arctica
    1. I love how Sonata Arctica’s guitarists and keyboardists can totally shred and still keep things melodic and meaningful. Even past members Jani Liimatainen and Mikko Härkin did amazing work on some of their early albums (even if Mikko was only on Silence). It inspires me to become a better musician myself.
    2. I loved seeing Sonata Arctica with Delain and Xandria, so I definitely want to see them again as that show got me interested in them in the first place!
    3. Some songs by Sonata Arctica have especially important themes to me like those in “Blank File” (against totalitarianism and government/electronic surveillance), “The Power of One” (against slavery and racism), “Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited” (against war and nationalism), and “What Did You Do in the War, Dad?” (anti-war).

    Battle Beast
    1. As I mentioned, I missed Battle Beast when I first tried to see them, which is a shame because I listened to their debut album at the time and enjoyed it. I was very recently listening to their second album and thought it was even better than the first (wow, their guitarist shreds like Sonata Arctica’s!) so I’ll be going through their whole discography–and Beast in Black’s–in preparation to finally see them!

    1. Holy smokes was that a well written submission or what!!! Thanks Peter, YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest” so be sure to read that over. Though I will be a busy Metal bee that night I am sure that I will see all of our legions at some point.

      1. Thank you, Ken! I just want to be sure that this is the winning message and my ticket will be waiting at the venue? Seems like you have a nice collection of tickets to give out! 🙂

  8. I will try it keep it short and simple!

    -Their melodies, I have always love the way their music is made and how beautifully sounds with the vocals.
    -Their live performances, I love Tommy’s interpretation of every song.
    -Their music videos, love their visuals and how they never keep it simple.

    Sonata Artica
    -Although I don’t like their last two albums, I can say kakko’s voice catch me since the first time I heard Sonata.
    -The lyrics. I enjoyed many songs though out their career. Juliet, The boy who wanted to be a real puppet, White Pearls, black oceans, Shanandalie and many more.
    -Their ballads. Loved their slow songs.

    Battle Beast.
    -Noora’s is my current favorite female vocalist. Love how she can be potent and melodic. Their albums are a killer! I can’t wait to see them live again.

    1. Nicely done Maria, nicely done. YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest” for the full details on how you claim this ticket. Let’s see if Kamelot continues to move you and that Sonata wins you over this time around ;p

    1. I’ve seen them twice before but the venues werent that great and I couldn’t really enjoy or get into the show. Maybe third times the charm?
    2. Abandoned speaks to me on so many levels and I never got to hear it live.
    3. Lauren Hart even though she really only does guest vocals, I feel like she’s always fit right into the band. Kind of always had a little girl crush as we don’t find that many female vocalists that can do really good guttural growls.

    Sonata Arctica
    1. This will honestly be my first time seeing them, never really had the opportunity.

    Battle Beast
    1. Is my top band in this line that I really want to see. I had the chance to see them at Irving Plaza but only got to see literally the last 2 seconds of the song because Irving screwed up the show times and letting people in too late.
    2. I’ve been listening to them since Nitte Valo was the lead singer, but Nora has taken this band to whole different level and is and amazing person ?
    Its my birthday this weekend and honestly this would be the best birthday present ever!
    3. Fun fact that most people dont know about Noora was that the band discovered her from a recommendation video on YouTube and asked her to join the band.

    1. Good stuff Gabrielle, YOU are going to see the mighty Kamelot, Sonata Arctica and Battle Beast at the Playstation Theater this Saturday night. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”. Looks like you are going to have an AWESOME Birthday 🙂

  10. Oh man this is a dream line up for me but my wife absolutely ADORES Kamelot so I’m gonna try my very best to win her a ticket to this so here goes:

    1) The First song I ever heard from them was “Forever” off the Karma album and it absolutely blew me away. From the soaring vocals of Roy Khan to the amazingly upbeat guitar melodies I was immediately drawn to their style of power metal.
    2) When I first dipped my toes into the waters of Power Metal, I of course found many of the bands hailed from European countries. Kamelot, however, was the first American band I discovered playing in this style of music and it was so inspiring to me as an American to know that my fellow countrymen and women were producing blistering face melting power metal and doing it damn well!
    3) I was overjoyed to learn Kamelot’s Singer Tommy Karevik has recently gotten engaged to Kobra Paige (Of Kobra and the Lotus)! What an amazingly beautiful Power (metal) Couple!

    Sonata Arctica
    1) This was literally the first band that introduced me to Symphonic/Power Metal way back in my high school days. I stumbled across their cover of Metallica’s “Fade to Black” And was completely floored at how they took it in a different direction than the original but still made it beautiful and heavy. From there I went down the rabbit hole and discovered Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Tarot, Lost Horizon, Grave Digger, and of course, Kamelot. Sonata Arctica literally opened my eyes to this OTHER style of metal that was being produced across the pond And I will always be super grateful for that!
    2) My favorite album from them is “Winterheart’s Guild”. The sheer grandiosity of the album is unmatched in my eyes. Tony, Henrik (Henkka), Tommy, Marco, and Jani each meld their virtuoso performances on their respective instruments and fuse it all together into this bombastic, high energy, sonic masterpiece
    3) I can definitely say with certainty that Tony Kakko, the bands vocalist is one of my “Vocal heroes” and inspired me to take my singing seriously and give it my all!

    And some bonus Battlebeast factoids!

    1) I first discovered them after they were announced to be on 70,000 tons of metal. A few people recommended I check them out before the cruise. And My God – Noora their vocalist absolutely does not F*** around. Her aggressive, raspy, what some would call “unfeminine” vocal style definitely sets Battlebeast apart from other female fronted bands in the best way.
    2) I love their use of Synths on many songs. It evokes a lot of 80’s bands and even ventures into Synthwave territory which I think is awesome!
    3) Speaking of 80’s, if you haven’t checked out their cover of “Push it to the Limit”, definitely do so! They did the cover justice and injected their own brand of metal into this 80’s classic made famous in the movie “Scarface”.

    1. Whew. Man oh man John was that a lot to read but it sure worked out. You have won a ticket to the show which you can give to your wife once its claimed. The details on how to claim this ticket are in the part of the contest marked “If You Win This Contest”. Saturday night’s all right for rocking!

  11. Alright my Metal Legions, this contest for Kamelot concert tickets is 100% closed and no additional submissions will be honored. The details on how to claim this are denoted in the “If You Win This Contest” section so please follow them. I suggest arriving early to avoid lines and allow ease of entry.

    Be sure that you are following PiercingMetal on the social networks of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so cool stuff like this can keep happening.

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