It’s almost amazing to imagine the amount of tribute bands that exist nowadays and the number keeps on rising as more and more musicians band together in hopes to bring the music of their favorite bands to the masses in this fashion. Some of my fondest memories with friends were when we would all get together at places like the long shuttered Rock and Roll Café to enjoy tributes to Rush, Pink Floyd, The Doors and The Rolling Stones. I’ve also enjoyed quite a few tributes to KISS as well. This was of course when the real bands were not actually touring if they were still active groups upon the musical geography. Good times. Good vibrations. That brings us to this next giveaway as The Gramercy Theatre hosts a Rocks Off Entertainment production and brings “The Tribute Fest” to the stage.
The Details: The Tribute Fest brings the headlining Tool tribute band Schism to the Metal masses and finds the show also featuring Facelift (Alice In Chains tribute), Jesus Christ Pose (Soundgarden tribute), The Battle For Los Angeles (Rage Against The Machine tribute), Wicked World (Black Sabbath/Ozzy tribute) and Silver Gun Superman (Stone Temple Pilots tribute) under the same roof for an amazing price. The show is $15 to get in but thanks to the fine folks at Rocks Off Entertainment, we are putting a few of our readers into the venue for free. Six bands for free!!! Count me in. The fun begins at 7pm with the STP tribute and tolls the Hells bell at midnight with Schism. Get there early and party all night.
To Participate: Tell me your very favorite tribute band and why they are that important to you. It doesn’t matter to me if they are not listed on this bill, but if one of these bands is your very favorite then let them know here. I will be picking winners from the responders. Make sure you have your email listed in the comment registration form, but NOT in the actual comment to keep your privacy. We need to contact you – not the entire Internet. Thanks.
When: Friday, November 23rd 2012 – 6:30pm doors, 7pm show
Where: The Gramercy Theatre, 127 East 23rd Street, 212-614-6932
Restrictions: There are none to speak of this time around. That means if you have won a previous contest recently you don’t have that working against you in terms of the deciding process. We still want new winners as often as possible but I’m being a lot looser so this show gets a full house of diehards.
Official Links:
Jesus Christ Pose:
Battle of LA;
Wicked World:
Silvergun Superman:
Gramercy Theatre:
Obviously a bunch of tribute acts will not have CD’s available on the mass market, so I have embedded some code that points you to several must have “Greatest Hits” releases or a seminal piece of work from the artist is no such hits compilation yet exists.
Contest closed. No entries please.