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Universal Pictures: “Violent Night” Official Trailer

movie logos, universal pictures, violent night movie logo, violent night

Though I’ve aimed at keeping the Pop Culture “Film and Television” section of PiercingMetal focused on the Kaiju, Marvel and DC superhero and related Science Fiction releases, there are times when the occasional action film gets featured. Sure I’ll always feature a “Mission: Impossible” or “John Wick” film here and the weirdness about a film with Santa Claus as this type of vengeance seeking individual in “Violent Night” made me decide to include it as well. Down below you’ll find the Official Trailer, the casting and some promotional art. Please Enjoy.

The Premise: When a group of mercenaries attack the estate of a wealthy family on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus must step in to save the day.

The Cast/Characters:
David Harbour as Santa Claus
John Leguizamo as Mr. Scrooge
Cam Gigandet as Morgan Lightstone
Alex Hassell as Jason Lightstone
Alexis Louder as Linda Matthews
Edi Patterson as Alva
Beverly D’Angelo as Gertrude Lightstone
Leah Brady as Trudy Lightstone
André Eriksen as Gingerbread

movie posters, promotional posters, violent night posters, universal pictures

PiercingMetal Thoughts: So I should admit that when I first toyed with the idea of putting the more Christmas-twinged trailer here on the website I feared some readers reprisal about such content. Of course this was only a minor fear since you are all enjoying these offerings for free while I do all the heavy lifting but where was I. Oh year so after watching the trailer a few times, I was laughing out loud and pretty much applauding how Santa was taking out the menaces that was invading that home on Christmas. This surely looks like a lot of fun and with two months or a bit less before its release I cannot yet say if I will be in attendance. I tend to decide on my movie adventures at the last minute but I do like David Harbour and he seems to be taking no prisoners in this one. I’ll wrap this one up right now but shall stick with the topic if another trailer becomes available along with the release day news. Before I go I wonder what you out there in the audience think about it. Chime in down below in the comments and let me know so we can get some kind of dialogue going. See you again soon and I hope this one finds you safe and sound. If you do think you’re on Santa’s “Naughty List”, you still have time to rectify that. Cheers.

Official Film Wiki:

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