It was just about a month ago when I first talked about some of the toys coming out for next year’s giant-sized film “Godzilla Vs. Kong” and in that overview (seen HERE), I used provided stock images from the fine folks at Playmates Toys. Having reviewed a number of their products here on the website in the past and being a continual supporter of their line based on our Toy Fair adventures I was stoked to find a package of some of the products coming to the Media Command HQ for me to examine in a little more detail.
So as you can see in the photo above, the box appeared to include “2” of the Giant Godzilla figures but on opening it up I discovered both the Giant Godzilla and the Giant Kong. They are impressive at 11″ tall each and there is some articulation to each of them. This is mostly in the arms and legs and of course Godzilla’s tail which you need to smap into place based on the length.
The package also had two of the smaller figures from the collection with a Godzilla and the radio tower and Kong with his Battle Axe. Each of them has some fighting “damage” on the figure and they are articulated at the same points as the larger ones and stand 6″ tall. I’ve said this before but I tend to lean towards the smaller figures. This might be based on my being able to collect more of them.
In the next image we see the rear of the packaging of the two Giant Kaiju figures and to my knowledge these are the only large-scale ones being done but if I learn about more I will surely post something about it. Visually they are employing the same artwork which presents a very dramatic scene from the film. Looks good to me and we are still waiting on a trailer at this point. There is plenty of time though between now and the films debut. I’m willing to stay patient…..for now…
The rear packaging of the smaller figures is a little more in-depth as it shows the figure in a dramatic pose with the provided accessory and even shares the information about the other figures in the collection. As you can see by this there is another Godzilla and Kong figure to collect and two other Kaijus with the first being a Skullcrawler (from the “Kong Skull Island” film) and a brand-new creature called a Warbat. That one looks imposing so I am wondering where it comes into play in the film. Could this be the new menace that the titans fight? Let’s see right?
To wrap up the still photos I’ve placed all these awesome creations together and hope that you’ve liked what you have seen. I’m a big fan of these two monsters and I guess that since I’ve been able to enjoy more films with him in them, that I lean towards the Godzilla side of the fence. This should be a fun-filled and action packed film if they follow the path that they began with “Kong: Skull Island” and continued into “Godzilla: King Of The Monsters”. Sadly I don’t think we are getting any of the other Kaiju that we saw in that last film but wouldn’t that have been cool.
With unboxing videos being all the rage, I even did one for the product reveals and while the images up above might ruin the surprise for you just a little bit, we’d love for you to watch our video and also to subscribe to that channel as its the best way to grow an audience these days. I’ve done a couple of these kinds of clips already and really want to do some more of them. Enjoy.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Closing up, I’ve got to say that I really liked all the figures that were in this package and while I don’t usually lean to the larger scale ones, I am never turning that kind of gift away. I usually like the 6″ figures as they remind me of my old Megos and many of the “Star Wars” and “Marvel Legends” items are this size as well. I’m going to have to get my hands on the other monsters that we see in the visuals on the back of the box and one can only hope that I get the chance to discuss even more kaiju reveals as the film gets closer to opening. So what do you readers think about these? Will you be purchasing them? They are nicely priced and won’t set you back too much which is a very good thing. That’s all I have for now, you all take care and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Official Website:
Official Film Wiki: