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Tonight: “The Flash” Season 5 Premiere On The CW Network (10/9/2018)

If you’ve still got a hankering for super-heroes after this past weekends NY Comic Con, you will be happy to know that The CW Entertainment network will be showing the fifth season premiere for the hit adventure program “The Flash”. Let’s take a look at the awesome poster, some recap of the previous season and the casting below.

television posters, warner brothers television, the flash

Season 4 Recap: In the months since Barry left, Wally and Cisco have barely been able to protect Central City. When a new foe defeats them easily, requesting a battle against the Flash, the team decides to bring Barry back. While they manage to do so, Barry’s return releases dark matter, turning a dozen people on a city bus into metahumans. One of these metahumans is private detective Ralph Dibny, who joins the Flash’s team. While Barry and Iris prepare for their wedding, the team realize that Barry’s arrival and the creation of the bus metahumans were orchestrated by the Thinker. Following the Thinker’s defeat, the team is approached by Barry and Iris’ daughter from the future, Nora West-Allen, who claims to have made “a big, big mistake”. (c/o Wiki)

television posters, warner brothers television, the flash
Main & Recurring Cast:
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/Flash
Candice Patton as Iris West
Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe
Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man
Danielle Nicolet as Cecile Horton
Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora West-Allen/XS
Chris Klein as David Hersch/Cicada
Tom Cavanagh as Harrison “Sherloque” Wells
Jesse L. Martin as Joe West
Kiana Madeira as Spencer Young/Spin
Kyle Secor as Thomas Snow

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’m still a member of “Team Flash” despite an occasional reservation with the presented story. Last season I felt that The Thinker angle went too long and took out far too many characters that would have been able to be used again across the Arrowverse if they so desired. I’ll be programming this on the DVR like always since a few busy nights will prevent me from watching it as it airs. What about you readers? Are you a fan of this show or found it to be something you’d like to see? Chime in down below and know that all the previous seasons are on Netflix at last check. They will also likely be on the new DC Universe service if you are a member of that.

Official Series Wiki:

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