Tonight: “Gotham” Season 3 Premiere on Fox (9/19/2016)

Fans of the pre-Batman history of Gotham City and all its ne’er do wells will be excited to know that the third season of “Gotham” will premiere this evening on the Fox channel. Check out the poster below and some brief insight.


The premise of the new season is called “Mad City” and I will have to assume that this comes from how the second season ended. I’ll leave that exact detail out of this post in the event that some of you are still trying to catch up on Netflix or something else.

The Cast:
Ben McKenzie as James Gordon
Donal Logue as Harvey Bullock
David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne
Zabryna Guevara as Sarah Essen
Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth
Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin
Erin Richards as Barbara Kean
Camren Bicondova as Selina “Cat” Kyle
Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma
Victoria Cartagena as Renee Montoya
Andrew Stewart-Jones as Crispus Allen
Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney
Morena Baccarin as Leslie Thompkins
Jessica Lucas as Tabitha Galavan
Chris Chalk as Lucius Fox
Drew Powell as Butch Gilzean
Michael Chiklis as Nathaniel Barnes
Maggie Geha as Ivy “Pamela” Pepper
Benedict Samuel as Dr. Jervis Tetch

PiercingMetal Thoughts: So I should start by saying how I ended up setting the whole season on DVR since I was hitting a lot of shows on the same nights that it was airing. Better to catch up a day or so later than missing it right? Anyway, I must admit that this season took me a lot longer to get through than I might have wanted it to and that is very simply because I was losing interest in it week after week. I am not against a Batman pre-history at all but when they keep introducing character after character that I know Batman never had as enemies until he was in the cape and cowl just annoys me. I guess I am a stickler for some traditions. So I am going to be programming this one again and will perhaps watch after a few weeks have gone by to see if I am going to keep letting it record. What about you readers? Are you watching the show and still enjoying it? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Official Wiki:

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