The Noble Collection & Super7 @ New York Comic Con 2022

new york comic con 2022 logo, nycc 2022 logo, nycc, new york comic con

Hey there my friends, so welcome back to another piece of the larger media puzzle that is the New York Comic Con. So as you might be aware, the overall day to day NYCC coverage has finished posting but one of the things I decided to do this time around was additional special feature posts to aim the spotlight at something on its own. Part of the reason for doing this was based on the lack of a Toy Fair this year and also this coming winter in 2023. It will be back in September of 2023 as previously mentioned. With that said let’s have a quick look at what was going on at the booths of The Noble Collection and Super7 and if you are only just now joining us and want to see the full NYCC presentations from the beginning just click HERE to do that.

toy company logos, the noble collection, the noble collection logo

One of the coolest things that The Noble Collection has for me as a collector are the Bendyfigs. When I was younger I remember the bendy figures from assorted companies and they looked okay at best and were limited in overall poseability. The Bendyfigs have raised the game on this idea and as result I want a whole bunch of them.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

The had a giant Wolfman at their booths entrance and while he himself wasn’t poseable, he was the perfect photo op and a smaller version was a convention exclusive for a low purcase price of $10. Yes I bought one.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

They also have a lot of Minecraft items which will interest the fans of that franchise. It isn’t my thing at all but if you want a real life representation of things you see in those games are are a serious collector you can get a quality display piece. These aren’t really toys per se.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

I’m not too up on these next items and couldn’t find my notes so please just enjoy the photos. The Noble Collection is def on the rise with collectible things so get your credit card ready when you peruse their catalog or website.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, the noble collection

That’s going to bring me to the end of The Noble Collection photos so now let’s have a brief look at some things I snapped at Super7.

super7 logo, super7, toy company logos

It’s without question that I love almost everything that Super7 is releasing these days but I’d need a second job and another room to have the space for it all. From Metal figures to classic revisits of things like GI Joe and Godzilla; it’s too much awesome for one persons wallet to easily handle without some restraint. When you arrived at their booth you were greeted by Mummyboy.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, super7

So I was happy to find the booth super busy during the times I was there but that found me not taking as many photos as I might have liked too. I didn’t realize until I looked back on them all but hey we talk a lot about the Super7 brand here on PiercingMetal so its not like their being ostracized at all. Can I just say that I want all of their smaller and mid-size Godzilla stuff? Yep.

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, super7

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, super7

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, super7

new york comic con 2022, nycc 2022, super7

That brings me to the end of this special side-feature from the New York Comic Con coverage. I do have a few more photos to make into special features of their own so please stay tuned for those over the next few days. While you wait, we welcome your support on the assorted social media profiles. The links are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

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