The Press Release:
Due to the coronavirus, Dark Side of the Con is being postponed to Sept 18th-20th. Tickets will automatically be valid for the future dates. If you still have a hotel room for the original dates your hotel room will originally transfer over. Our hotel has been sold out but we expect a few rooms to open up, we will be giving precedence to anyone on our waiting list and then will announce any openings.
If you cannot make the new dates you may call the Sheraton to cancel your reservation.
This national emergency has been a big financial loss to us so we are unable to offer ticket refunds but if you cannot make the new dates please email us at and we can discuss options. We are working hard to make this postponed dark side of the con better than ever. We’ve been working very quickly and as of now many of our performers have already confirmed for the new dates, including: Cruxshadows, DAS ICH BAND, God Module, Dan Sperry Anti-Conjuror, Bella Morte, Echo Black, FGFC820, Ego Likeness, The Rain Within, Astari Nite, Chmcl Str8jckt, Methodical, DaGeist, Ghostfeeder, 00tz 00tz, Die Robot, Stoneburner, Cliff and Ivy, Tragic Impulse, Red Lokust.
The following bands ARE NOTE able to make it due to other commitments: The Gothsicles, Devil-M.
We are still waiting to hear back from a few performers and we will keep you posted. Any performers that cannot make it will be replaced by someone who is at least as popular.
We realize the new dates may not be ideal for everyone but given the situation this was our only option. We sincerely thank you for bearing with us during this terrible time. The entire entertainment industry as well as other industries are really hurting right now with everything being cancelled or postponed so let’s all be supportive of each other. Please support your favorite bands, entertainers, vendors, artists, and service workers. We will get through this and have an amazing time in September!
*** end of transmission ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: We’ve not managed to get to this convention yet based on scheduling and logistics of doing it properly but perhaps when the new dates roll around that there will be the chance to finally do so. It’s my hope that by that time that the world is a much better and healthier place once again. Well, as healthy as it was before this Coronavirus Pandemic stuff began at least. I’m not sure that their position on not being able to offer refunds will be something that ticket holders will support as such a stance could have long standing negative connotations but be aware of that as the news came out. Closing up I hope that all of you are being smart with your own health and interactions and doing that diligent hand-washing and protecting yourself as we’ve been advised. I will be adding the new dates for this and many other happenings to our Events Calendar in short order so please bookmark that link for quick reference going forward. See you next time with most likely yet another postponement announcement. Sigh.
Official Website: