Hey there my friends, its once again time to talk a little bit about some website social media and to share how happy I am when we hit a new plateau on it. Now over the years I’ve mentioned that PiercingMetal has been on the Instagram platform since 2012 and I have been posting on it with an almost daily routine. Yesterday, the PiercingMetalNYC profile published the 11,000th photo and based on how much of a backlog I have its very likely I will be back soon to talk about the 12K one. While I’ve been finishing up all of my New York Comic Con images that I got sidelined from completing based on life, I paused them to let the 11K photograph be something pretty awesome in its own right. Back in October of 2023, I got to enjoy an amazing concert by Yoshiki and after the show was one of his many guests at a small gathering. To make it even better, I was able to get a quick photograph with him and tell him just how much the show moved me right to his face. If you’re someone who is saying “Who is Yoshiki”, please head to YouTube and enjoy some of his amazing work and then come back to thank me later. Meeting such a musician and having a few moments of chat time just had to be the visual for the 11,000th Instagram and I think you’d agree with me on that.
Continue reading PiercingMetal Posts 11,000th Instagram Photo (2/1/2024)