Tag Archives: x-23

“The War Of The Realms” Variants Show Marvel Heroes as Asgardians

Continuing along with my announcements about Marvel Comics “War Of The Realms” mini-series and crossover issues, here is the latest from the House Of Ideas.

war of the realms logo comics

The Press Release:
This April, all hel will break loose as Marvel’s epic event from the award-winning creative team of Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, and Matthew Wilson usher in an event of unparalleled scale! To celebrate WAR OF THE REALMS, Marvel is releasing a series of variant covers that reimagine some of Marvel’s most iconic heroes in the style of Asgardian warriors! Look for Marvel’s ASGARDIAN variants on these select titles this April:

2. AVENGERS #18 by Paolo Rivera
3. BLACK PANTHER #11 by Rahzzah
4. CAPTAIN AMERICA #10 by Dave Johnson
5. CAPTAIN MARVEL #4 by Gerald Parel
6. CHAMPIONS #4 by Khoi Pham

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, asgardian variants
“Champions” #4 (Asgardian Variant)

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Marvel Comics Reveals “Skrulls” Variants For February

The Press Release:
Before you meet them in Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel, see them on the covers of your favorite comic books! This February, Marvel is celebrating one of the universe’s most famous alien race with a series of variant covers featuring key Marvel characters taking on shape-shifting Krees! Look for Marvel’s Skrull variant covers on these select titles:

1. “AMAZING SPIDER-MAN” #15 by Lee Garbett

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, marvel comics variant covers
“Amazing Spider-Man” #15 (Skrull Variant)

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Marvel Celebrates The New “Guardians Of The Galaxy” Team With Special Covers

guardians of the galaxy comics logo

The Press Release:
This January, Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw – the creative team that brought you Thanos – will bring a new GUARDIANS OF GALAXY series to readers! And to celebrate the debut of this brand-new team, Marvel is releasing a series of variant covers showcasing past and present Guardians of the Galaxy characters from superstar artists Mike McKone, Ema Lupacchino, Dale Keown, Will Sliney, and more!

Look for Marvel’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY variant covers on these select titles:

1. “AMAZING SPIDER-MAN” #14 by Gerald Parel

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, marvel comics variant covers
“Amazing Spider-Man” #14 (Guardians Of The Galaxy Variant)

2. “AVENGERS” #13 by Patrick Zircher with colors by Jason Keith

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, marvel comics variant covers
“Avengers” #13 (Guardians Of The Galaxy Variant)

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Marvel Says Engage w “MARVEL BATTLE LINES” Collectible Covers In October

It’s been my practice to occasionally wait until the comics are closer to being released so it is fresh on the fans and their vendors minds and though this particular release hit my mailbox back in July, I waited until now based on far too many of our Pop Culture things coming at you every day. Let’s take a look at this brand new variant cover initiative.

marvel battle lines logo

The Press Release:
This past weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Games debuted an exclusive trailer, all-new art, and action-packed gameplay from MARVEL Battle Lines – the collectible card battling mobile game created by Nexon. And this October, Marvel Comics is celebrating the game’s much-anticipated launch with a series of variant covers showcasing over two dozen in-game cards featuring striking images of some of the most popular Marvel Super Heroes! Look for MARVEL Battle Lines variant covers on these select titles:

1. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 by Sujin Jo

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel battle lines, marvel battle lines variant covers
“Amazing Spider-Man” #7 (Marvel Battle Lines Variant)

2. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #8 by Maxx Lim

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel battle lines, marvel battle lines variant covers
“Amazing Spider-Man” #8 (Marvel Battle Lines Variant)

Continue reading Marvel Says Engage w “MARVEL BATTLE LINES” Collectible Covers In October

Marvel Unveils “Cosmic Ghost Rider” Variants For September

cosmic ghost rider comics logo, marvel comics

The Press Release:
He took the world by storm when he made his debut in last year’s THANOS #13, and now Marvel is celebrating the Cosmic Ghost Rider with a series of special order all variant covers that feature Marvel’s breakout character battling different heroes of the Marvel Universe! Look for Marvel’s COSMIC GHOST RIDER order all variant covers on these select titles:


marvel comics, comic book covers, cosmic ghost rider variants
“Amazing Spider-Man” #5 (Cosmic Ghost Rider Variant)



marvel comics, comic book covers, cosmic ghost rider variants
“Astonishing X-Men” #15 (Cosmic Ghost Rider Variant)

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