Today is the 17th Anniversary of the PiercingMetal website. Thank you ever so much for spending some of your online time with us and enjoying our stories, images and videos.
Greetings Legions, I just wanted to take a moment out of the usual publishing regimen to share some very cool news with you all. You might recall my mention of having created a unified web-presence for my creative work with the Ken Pierce Media branding and I am happy to let you know that this angle is now one year old. I discussed some of what’s happened since launch and what is to come in a blog post that you can find HERE. I think you will find it interesting if you find the whole larger aspect of web-journalism and branding of interest. This is also the very first time that I have celebrated a first anniversary for the family of websites that I maintain.
Hello my friends, I’m here to share the news that the website has successfully completed another go around the sun and is celebrating the 16th Anniversary of today launch today this 4/4/2021. It’s also Easter Sunday today so “Happy Easter” to those readers who are celebrating that holiday along with us. Now as the more tenured readership might remember, I generally line out a whole bunch of details about the site for the newbies and celebrate with a host of themed numeric visuals. However, this time around I’m going to keep it rather simple because its been a very busy few weeks and the to do list for the coming days is growing exponentially. I’m sure you’ll understand my preference in keeping you entertained as opposed to spending too much time on what’s come before. Of course a quick recap of the past year is in order.
2020 found the world at large changing and yet despite the lack of concerts, special events and conventions to attend past the month of March I made sure to keep a consistent posting regimen here on PiercingMetal and our companion site “The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken. When I added it all up it amounted to more than 600 published posts from March 8th 2020 until now across the two outlets. The posts are in addition to any of the YouTube video clips and Instagram posts that were created along with dedicated use of the Facebook and Twitter profiles for the brands. This practice has not stopped as 2021 passes its first quarter. So what’s next? Let me brief you on some plans. Continue reading PiercingMetal Celebrates Sixteen Years Online (2005-2021)→
Today is the 16th Anniversary of the PiercingMetal website. Thank you ever so much for spending some of your online time with us and enjoying our stories, images and videos.
Believe it or not, today is the 15th Anniversary of the website. That’s 180 months or 5475 days or 131,400 hours depending on how you like to look at things. As a numbers guy I always find it amusing to showcase a length of time in that fashion. So here we are and what a world this is at the moment. Back in February, I was making plans for this anniversary with friends as it was supposed to be a super-duper busy one. There were tours like Tyr, Mayhem and Life Of Agony coming through on this weekend along with the Big Apple Comic Con and instead of a flurry of activity the city and actually the world at large are hunkered down trying to be safe from this dreaded Coronavirus Pandemic. Those and numerous other events were postponed for the duration and some cancelled in full during this very precarious time. My annual photo for this anniversary reflects the time spent and the current necessities.