Tag Archives: vivarin

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 1

Greetings my friends and welcome back to the visuals that were snagged from the 2013 NY Comic Con – This chapter begins the Fourth and final day of the convention and with so much done on Day Three I was going to use today as my “clean up” day and that means touching base with made connections once more and snapping whatever else I felt might be interesting.  Let’s start this one up with a spanning visual of the emblem for “Hope”, the iconic “S” that is Superman’s shield.

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 1