Artist: Ed Guy
Venue: B.B. Kings Blues Club (New York, NY)
Date: 9/15/2004
Opener: Tad Morose
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Ed Guy, probably the most energetic force in the world of power metal today made their very first visit to New York City before they were set to play the Prog Power USA show in Georgia. Their opener would be Sweden’s own Tad Morose. Each band supporting their most recent release, Ed Guy’s “Hellfire Club” and Tad Morose “Modus Vivendi”. The venue would be The B.B. King Blues Club once again (and I have noticed a large amount of metal acts coming here of late). This venue in my opinion while very stylish and well-known is not truly the setting for a good metal show. I find the bands often getting lost in the PA system or things are just missing overall. There are venues I prefer to see metal shows more than this one, but you have to go where they play when it comes right down to it. I view it as at least the bands are hitting NYC in some fashion.
Continue reading EdGuy @ B.B. King Blues Club (9/15/2004)