Well hello there again my friends its nice to see you back here at the PiercingMetal Media Command HQ for another report from the 2019 New York Comic Con. As you’ve likely discerned by now, I am very, very thorough when it comes to this event and we are up to the fifth and final chapter from the Day Three event. This is the Saturday session so the busiest of them all. I’ll continue after suggesting that you click HERE first to see all the earlier posts. I’ll pick up from the last time and keep on keeping on. Let’s go.

I made sure to keep checking in over at the DC Comics pavilion since they often have buckets of cool buttons and stacks of free comic books to take away. Generally speaking since they know I am handing some of these things out to our more dedicated followers they let me take a few. One thing that was being offered was a special McFarlane print of Batman if you signed up for the DC Comics credit card. I didn’t need this of course but the young lady who had the poster had such an amazing smile that she gets a spotlight in this post.

Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Three (Part Five) →
Okay my readers I am getting down to the wire with the expansive and in-depth visual presentations from the 2016 NY Comic Con as I’m officially bringing the penultimate chapter to your attention. The Family Day part of the Con finds me examining other parts of the expo center to make sure I got to everything and you’ll start to see a little of everything as I close the whole enchilada up. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. I’ll start this chapter with this lovely cosplayer who was decked out in a stunning Leia meets R2D2 outfit. I loved it. Nice work. You’ll hear from me time after time in this one.

Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part Two (10/9/2016) →
Hey there my fiends, I’m glad to see you back here again as I continue along into the visual findings from the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’m still on the “Day Two” stuff and up to our third chapter of the presentation. That brings us to the 8th in total so far and since I have to look more into the other days folders I cannot discern how many we shall end up doing when its all said and done. If you’re just joining the program of presentations, may I suggest that you click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. I find that it’s always best to start this adventure from the beginning and as new chapter get added they will present here as well. Let’s get this geeking out party started!!! I’ll be chiming in every now and then but not all the time. I’m talked out 🙂

Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Two, Part Three (10/7/2016) →
Hello my friends and wonderful readers. I am back with my expansive explorations of the 2015 NY Comic Con which was held this past weekend over at the Javits Center. I’m up to Day Two of the fun after putting up four chapters from Day One. Yes you read that correctly – four posts for one single day and we do that to keep the images to about “50” with each post. This lets the tagging remain controllable and the means for Cosplayers to find themselves a little more easily. Since this is Part 1 from Day Two I have no idea how many I might run but here we go with our first image which is a visual of the Hammerstein Ballroom entrance. This year the Super Week events have multiplied and the space at Javits was just not enough for all the panels so many of them were taking place here at the massive venue. If you have read our concert reports from here you know already just how big it is and now it was time to overrun the place with geek stuff – not that there is anything wrong with that.

According to some of the people on this tremendous line, this was for an “Adventure Time” panel. I’ve not yet seen this show but often see numerous cosplayers dressed up as the characters and that makes me think its something I need to see on Netflix. Were you one of the people on this line for the panel? Let me know in the comments section about how it was.

Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2015; Day 2 – Part 1 →
Greetings Geeks and Geekettes around the world and welcome back to my continuing posts about the 2015 NY Comic Con. My presentations below are still from the first day that we attended but its our third chapter of images and thoughts so let’s get right on down to the fun shall we. I think the best place to start this installment is with the fine freaky folks at Troma Films. They’ve been disrupting mass media for 42 years now. Sadly I would not see founder Lloyd Kaufman when I stopped by the booth.

Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2015; Day 1 – Part 3 →
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