Tag Archives: toy fair 2017

Exploring Toy Fair 2017: DC Collectibles (Part 2)

Welcome back to the presentations from the 2017 American International Toy Fair. I’m continuing on from where I left off with my DC Collectibles visuals. This was a fantastic appointment during our exploration and if you love the great heroes of the DC Comics Multiverse, you are going to be spending some money. Here we go.

I’ll pick up with the remaining images from the “DC Designer Series” of action figures. These are all based on the art of Ant Lucia and his “DC Comics Bombshells” series. Awesome stuff but you can see that for yourself.

dc collectibles, dc collectibles photos, toy fair 2017

dc collectibles, dc collectibles photos, toy fair 2017
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2017: DC Collectibles (Part 2)

Exploring Toy Fair 2017: DC Collectibles (Part 1)

As I’ve previously noted, this year’s American International Toy Fair was an awesome adventure and from the look at all of the photos that were snapped, I am going to have posts for a couple of weeks to work into the context of all of our other narratives. With this post I am beginning the visuals from our appointment at the DC Collectibles booth. Let’s go.

I love the DC Collectibles booth because they set it up so nice and neat for an easier visual digestion.  I secured photos of each of the groupings and let’s begin with the “Icons” series of collectible action figures.

dc collectibles, dc collectibles photos, toy fair 2017

dc collectibles, dc collectibles photos, toy fair 2017
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2017: DC Collectibles (Part 1)

Exploring Toy Fair 2017: Dark Horse

As we’ve noted a couple of days ago, the PiercingMetal website was once again exploring the American International Toy Fair, or very simply Toy Fair. Now it’s time to begin loading in all of the amazing companies that we stopped by to see and share their offerings. Let’s begin the journey with the folks at Dark Horse who over the years have impressed us time and time again. Here we go.

While I am not the biggest gamer, I have heard about the “Witcher” game and it looks great. These exquisite statues are representative of their license for it. I need to start playing the game and perhaps even becoming a statue collector since I like some of these.

dark horse, dark horse photos, toy fair 2017

dark horse, dark horse photos, toy fair 2017
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2017: Dark Horse

PiercingMetal Goes To American International Toy Fair 2017

I’m happy to report that this entertainment outlet of mine was once again attending the American International Toy Fair at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC. It’s our seventh year of attendance and the plan is to offer up sights and scenes on both the PiercingMetal.com and PiercingKen.com websites.

toy fair 2017, american international toy fair 2017

As you read this I am recharging the mental and physical self along with all of the technological implements that were brought along on the adventure. There is much more to document and photograph over the coming three days and when the postings begin to run there are going to be a lot of them. Interested readers don’t have to wait until that time though and can get a sneak peak into the observations by clicking over onto our Official Instagram link HERE. Be sure to give a follow and check back often to see the latest stuff. See you soon.

PS: To see any American International Toy Fair 2017 posts on The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken click HERE.

Toy Fair @ Javits Center

Tune into your favorite Pop Culture websites as Toy Fair 2017 is here and will be taking over the Jacob K. Javits Center showcasing the latest and greatest toys and games. The convention is industry only and not open to the general public but visuals and perspective will be all over those sites along with Twitter, Instagram and related Facebook Pages.