Tag Archives: tony todd

Now Streaming: “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” on Netflix (7/23/2021)

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They say that the third time is the charm and that makes me say once more “By The Power Of Grayskull!!! I Have The Power!!!” which all of you “Masters Of The Universe” fans know to be the call to battle by the mighty He-Man. Well, this is our third go round on the topic of the new series as we’ve shared intel with the Teaser Trailer and then the Official Trailer (just click that text to see the posts) and now the moment has arrived and “Master Of The Universe – Revelation” makes its debut on the Netflix streaming service. I’d say that now is a good time to sign up if you haven’t already but at this point in time I don’t know anyone without an account. I’ve secured the Official Poster, premise and the ensemble voice cast down below so please enjoy.

television posters, promotional posters, netflix, netflix originals, masters of the universe - revelation, masters of the universe posters

The Premise: A radical return to Eternia, Revelation is a direct sequel series to the classic era of Masters of the Universe. Featuring fan favorites He-Man, Orko, Cringer, and Man-At-Arms, the story pits our heroic warriors, and guardians of Castle Grayskull against Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Beast-Man and the vile legions of Snake Mountain. But after a ferocious final battle forever fractures Eternia, it’s up to Teela to solve the mystery of the missing Sword of Power in a race against time to prevent the end of the Universe! Her journey will uncover the secrets of Grayskull at last. This is the epic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe saga fans have waited 25 years to see! (c/o Wiki)
Continue reading Now Streaming: “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” on Netflix (7/23/2021)

Netflix Presents: “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” Official Trailer

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I guess I should have waited for the full on trailer to exclaim “By The Power Of Grayskull” but oh well that is water under the website publishing bridge at this point. Now for those wondering if I’ve lost it as the holiday weekend gets into place, I am completely fine and am referring to the first post that was published for “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” which will premiere on Netflix towards the end of the month. If you didn’t see that trailer post just click HERE to be on point and then get ready to enjoy the new one because its down below along with the premise, voice cast and some new artwork. Enjoy.

The Premise: A radical return to Eternia, Revelation is a direct sequel series to the classic era of Masters of the Universe. Featuring fan favorites He-Man, Orko, Cringer, and Man-At-Arms, the story pits our heroic warriors, and guardians of Castle Grayskull against Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Beast-Man and the vile legions of Snake Mountain. But after a ferocious final battle forever fractures Eternia, it’s up to Teela to solve the mystery of the missing Sword of Power in a race against time to prevent the end of the Universe! Her journey will uncover the secrets of Grayskull at last. This is the epic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe saga fans have waited 25 years to see! (c/o Wiki)
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Universal Pictures” “Candyman” Official Trailer 2

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When we last discussed the upcoming “Candyman” film here on the website, the world was a very different place since that was in the ending days of February 2020. That post can be found HERE if you’d like to be thorough and now as the world slowly tries to be normal again after so much chaos, a new trailer has arrived. I’ve secured that along with a better premise and casting and art. Enjoy and I will return once all is done.

The Premise: For as long as the residents can remember, the housing projects of Chicago’s Cabrini Green neighborhood were terrorized by a word-of-mouth ghost story about a supernatural killer with a hook for a hand, easily summoned by those daring to repeat his name five times into a mirror. In the present day, a decade after the last of the Cabrini towers were torn down, a visual artist named Anthony McCoy and his girlfriend, an art gallery director named Brianna Cartwright, moved into a luxurious loft condo in Cabrini, now gentrified beyond recognition and inhabited by the upwardly mobile millennials. With Anthony’s painting career on the brink of stalling, a chance encounter with a Cabrini Green old-timer exposes Anthony to the tragically horrific nature of the true story behind the Candyman. Anxious to maintain his status in the Chicago art world, Anthony begins to explore these macabre details in his studio as fresh grist for paintings, unknowingly opening a door to a complex past that unravels his own sanity and unleashes a terrifyingly viral wave of violence that puts him on a collision course with destiny. (c/o Universal Pictures)
Continue reading Universal Pictures” “Candyman” Official Trailer 2

Netflix Presents: “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” Official Teaser

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“By the Power of Grayskull, I Have The Power!!!!” – These were the words shouted by Prince Adam before he transformed into the mighty He-Man, protector of all in Eternia. Now, the franchise returns with a Netflix Original Anime series in July and we’ve got the first teaser clip for you to consume. I’ve also added in the amazing voice cast and some artwork so check it out.

The Premise: A radical return to Eternia, Revelation is a direct sequel series to the classic era of Masters of the Universe. Featuring fan favorites He-Man, Orko, Cringer, and Man-At-Arms, the story pits our heroic warriors, and guardians of Castle Grayskull against Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Beast-Man and the vile legions of Snake Mountain. But after a ferocious final battle forever fractures Eternia, it’s up to Teela to solve the mystery of the missing Sword of Power in a race against time to prevent the end of the Universe! Her journey will uncover the secrets of Grayskull at last. This is the epic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe saga fans have waited 25 years to see! (c/o Wiki)
Continue reading Netflix Presents: “Masters Of The Universe: Revelation” Official Teaser

Universal Pictures” “Candyman” Official Trailer

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We all know that sequels to popular films are all the rage and sometimes they become endless and sometimes even a little silly at points. To my knowledge there are about 25 “Friday The 13th” films and at least double that for “A Nightmare On Elm Street” and of course I am being very fascicious here. The endless sequelling has given birth to a new trend that bypasses a number of films and instead gives us a many years later direct sequel to an orginal film. We saw this with “Halloween” and most recently “Terminator: Dark Fate”. Now it continues into the “Candyman” franchise that will continue where the 1992 film left off. Check it out.

Continue reading Universal Pictures” “Candyman” Official Trailer