The winners of the 2015 Alternative Press Music Awards were announced the other day and since we cited all of the year’s nominees (seen HERE in case you missed it); the time is now to share with you the artists that went home with a trophy. Let’s take a look and please pardon my listing only the winners in this post. I have a busy workload ahead so couldn’t spend any more time editing.
BEST VOCALIST presented by AXS TV:
Hayley Williams, Paramore
The 1975
ICON AWARD presented by Artery Recordings:
Continue reading Full Winners Of The 2015 Alternative Press Music Awards →
It was really special to be invited to take part in the celebrations surrounding “Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock” because the hoopla from the game found me at a party where the one and only Joe Perry from Aerosmith was going to be jamming a couple of songs with his sons band. It turned out to be a lot more than this when it came down to it, so the curious are encouraged to keep scrolling past the logo below.

Artist: Joe Perry & Tab The Band
Label: Columbia Records
Event: “Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock” Launch Party
Venue: The Annex (New York, NY)
Date: 10/28/2007
In celebration of Activision’s launch of “Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock” – Aerosmith’s lead guitarist extraordinaire would be in New York City to help promote the game and sign some autographs for fans who attended the GameStop gala celebration. During the affair Perry would also serve as a judge during a fan “Guitar Hero” competition and even speak to aspiring guitar heroes in the making. Later that evening he would take part in a very special industry only showcase of music with Tab The Band at The Annex. This club is a new hot spot for Rock & Roll down on the Lower East Side and it offers a decent sized main floor and bar with a stage where bands can jam out and let the audience get up nice and close. This intimate setting made knowing about Perry’s jamming on a couple of numbers with this band a lot more exciting. The cool night air in NYC was far from present inside the club tonight and if anything it got many degrees hotter as the band went on. For those who are unaware, Tab The Band is comprised of two of Joe Perry’s own sons. We have Tony Perry on guitars, and Adrian Perry on vocals and bass while Ben Tileston is the groups friend and drummer. They are a hard rocking outfit who delivers an old school sound to a world that sorely needs this type of vibe once again. As the band was getting ready to perform I noticed that everywhere around the stage were Joe’s guitars and this meant very clearly that he would be playing more than only a couple of songs. I’ve never been happier to be right in recent memory than tonight.
Continue reading Joe Perry & Tab The Band @ The Annex (10/28/2007) →
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