Tag Archives: tommy bolin

“Phoenix Rising” [Blu-ray] by Deep Purple

Artist: Deep Purple
Title: “Phoenix Rising” [Blu-ray]
Label: Eagle Vision
Release Date: 6/28/2011
Genre: Hard Rock
Rating: 4/5

PiercingMetal’s own Skeleton Pete had already coined the phrase “Purple Summer” when it’s came to Eagle Rock Entertainment’s issue of a wide selection of releases from the legendary Hard Rock band and it’s absolutely correct as they have been re-issuing classic material with bonus live and demo tracks as well as unearthing vintage documentary pieces such as this one on a quality medium with additions that make the buyer say “Wow this is awesome”. One such release is the recent “Phoenix Rising” which is a documentary film for the most part but also includes some archival concert footage that has never been fully issued to fans. “Phoenix Rising” deals with the Mark III and Mark IV era of the band and showcases that roster which featured David Coverdale, Glen Hughes and Tommy Bolin; Ritchie Blackmore had left the lineup and surprised many. Since I can hardly expand on the views that Pete gave us about this era of the band, I am linking to his review on the site as he covered the DVD/CD combo version of the release. I’ll toss in my thoughts on the subtle and not too subtle differences between this edition and the Blu-ray version that is also in my hands. Read on.

Pete’s review HERE: http://piercingmetal.com/phoenix-rising-dvdcd-by-deep-purple/
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“Phoenix Rising” (DVD/CD) by Deep Purple

Artist: Deep Purple
Title: “Phoenix Rising” Special Edition DVD & CD Set
Label: Eagle Vision
Release Date: 6/29/2911
Rating: 5/5

“Deep Purple Phoenix Rising” is a definitive view at the twists and turns Deep Purple took in the post Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, and Ritchie Blackmore years. While Eagle Rock rolls out a slew of Deep Purple related CD reissues this summer the video arm of the company, Eagle Vision, offers this brand-new package examining the group’s Mark III & IV incarnations. 40 years down the road, this era is often over-looked or even dismissed in the annals of music history, but as viewers will learn it was a very interesting, creative, though often rocky ride.
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“Whips and Roses” by Tommy Bolin

Artist: Tommy Bolin
Title: “Whips and Roses”
Label: SPV Records
Release Date: 4/25/2006
Genre: Rock
Rating: 4/5

Tommy Bolin’s “Whips and Roses” is a collection of previously unreleased material from his 1975 album “Teaser”. It features newly discovered takes from songs found on Teaser as well as several instrumental jams released for the first time on this CD. This collection gives an interesting glimpse into the playing of Tommy Bolin. Bolin had an influential career that was cut short at the age of 25 due to a drug overdose. Probably most known for his stellar playing on Billy Cobham’s “Spectrum” album, which included Bolin on Guitar, Billy Cobham of Mahavishnu Orchestra on drums, Leland Sklar on bass and Jan Hammer (also of Mahavishnu Orchestra) on keyboards and synthesizers. This was a fusion masterpiece that influenced Jeff Beck’s “Wired”, and “Blow by Blow”. In 1973, Bolin became Joe Walsh’s replacement in the James Gang where he had two records with this band: “Bang!” in 1973 and “Miami” in 1974. In 1975, Bolin replaced Ritchie Blackmore in Deep Purple and appeared on the studio album “Come Taste the Band”.
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