Tag Archives: tom taylor

Marvel Asks “Who Did You Become When The Lights Went Out”

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The Press Release:
This September, New York Times best-selling writer Tom Taylor (X-MEN: RED, ALL-NEW WOLVERINE) will team up with Marvel’s Stormbreaker artist Iban Coello (VENOM, BLACK KNIGHT: CURSE OF THE EBONY BLADE) for a thrilling new vision of the Marvel Universe in DARK AGES. Last week, a series of mysterious teasers gave fans their first glimpse at what becomes of Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Miles Morales after the world descends into darkness. Now, see more of what’s in store when the lights go out forever in three new teasers that include transformations for Apocalypse and Vision as well your first look at a strange new threat…

DARK AGES #1 (OF 6): Written by TOM TAYLOR; Art and Cover by IBAN COELLO
On Sale 9/1!

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“Dark Ages” Apocalypse

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Marvel & Comic Book Retailers To Offer FREE “X-Men” & “Spider-Man/Venom” Editions In July

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The Press Release:
This July, readers will get a chance to dive into some of Marvel’s most exciting new titles with brand-new stories for free at participating comic shops! Originally part of May’s Free Comic Book Day, Marvel will be now be releasing two never-before-seen titles for fans to get a first look at some of Marvel’s biggest upcoming events. Each issue will contain two separate extraordinary tales involving the X-Men, Spider-Man, and more by Marvel’s most acclaimed creators!

Available on July 15, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2020: X-MEN will feature a brand-new X-MEN story by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz that will lead into the game-changing X OF SWORDS crossover! The second story will also foreshadow an upcoming epic tale by Tom Taylor and Iban Coello.

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FCBD “X-Men” #1

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Marvel Reveals The Covers For “2” Free Comic Book Day Issues

As an avid comic book reader, one of the events that I look forward to each and every year is Free Comic Book Day. For those who are just learning about this event, it takes place on the first Saturday in May and you can learn more about it via the link at the close of this narrative. Today I’m here to showcase what the fine folks at the House Of Ideas at Marvel Comics have in store for us. Take a look.

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The Press Release:
Readers will get a chance to dive into some of Marvel’s most exciting titles on this year’s Free Comic Book Day. Marvel will put out two Free Comic Book Day titles, each containing two separate stories. Longtime readers as well as newcomers will be delighted to see our most popular characters from the X-Men to Spider-Man in extraordinary tales by our most acclaimed creators!

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2020: X-MEN will feature a brand new X-Men story by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz that will lead into a game-changing summer for all of X! The second story will also foreshadow an upcoming epic tale by Tom Taylor and Iban Coello.
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Marvel’s “The Hunt For Wolverine” Expands Into Four Epic Tales

Fans of the mutant who is the best at what he does are going to be really excited about these four brand-new mini-series that are coming in May from Marvel Comics. The “Hunt For Wolverine” continues…..check it out.

The Press Release:
Wolverine has been trekking across the Marvel Universe, from the pages of 2017’s best-selling comic MARVEL LEGACY #1 to the current glimpses of Logan in the Where’s Wolverine pages featured in select Marvel comics…but is that really the Logan we all know and love?

This May, the story that kicked off in April’s THE HUNT FOR WOLVERINE #1 continues as intrigue, mystery, romance, and action collide in an epic so big, it will take four different series to tell the tale! Featuring thrills and chills for all X-Men fans as Wolverine’s past comes back to haunt all our merry mutants, each unique story harkens back to their old school adventures – changing some characters in ways that will shock readers.

Orchestrated by HUNT FOR WOLVERINE and DEATH OF WOLVERINE writer Charles Soule, a star-studded cast of talent have teamed up to unravel Wolverine’s secrets. Avengers No Surrender writer Jim Zub, She-Hulk writer Mariko Tamaki, All-New Wolverine writer Tom Taylor, The Amazing Spider-Man artist Matteo Buffagni, X-Men Blue artist R.B. Silva, Black Panther and the Crew artist Butch Guice, and Spider-Man/Deadpool artist Chris Bachalo will join forces for four series that form one interlocking epic adventure, each one containing its own distinct genre and mystery: Weapon Lost (noir/detective), Adamantium Agenda (action/adventure), Claws Of A Killer (horror) and Mystery in Madripoor (dark romance.)
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Marvel Reveals Jean Grey’s “X-Men Red” Team!

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While we love sharing the monthly first issues that are coming from the various publishers, we also get a lot of new title launch announcements here at the Media Command HQ and I figured that it’s a good idea to share them with you all. This one shares the insight on the upcoming “X-Men:Red” series which is a new team led by Jean Grey, The Phoenix. Let’s take a look.

The Press Release:
Last week, Marvel announced the continuation of Jean Grey’s story with X-MEN RED, a brand-new series written by Tom Taylor (All-New Wolverine) with art by Mahmud Asrar (All-New, All-Different Avengers Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor). Today, Marvel is excited to reveal the heroes who will accompany the omega-level telepath as she battles against one of mutantkind and mankind’s most dangerous villains! This uniquely qualified strike force includes Namor, Nightcrawler, All-New Wolverine, her sister Gabby, Gentle (a mutant from Wakanda), and the mysterious new character Trinary, whose secrets will be revealed throughout the pages of X-MEN RED!

“We’ve also got one more fan-favorite hero joining the team in this first arc,” says X-MEN group editor Mark Paniccia. “As the threat level escalates, Jean needs to build a highly specialized team…not just those she trusts, but allies who can survive the oncoming storm.”
Continue reading Marvel Reveals Jean Grey’s “X-Men Red” Team!