We’ve touched upon the upcoming “The War Of The Realms” crossover a couple of times now and to be up to date with all of the latest news about this major Marvel Comics happening just click HERE to launch a new tab in your browser. Now we’ve got a theme song to enjoy. Dig in.
The Press Release:
This April, all ten realms are at war…and it’s a battle that will change the Marvel Universe and the lives of every hero! To celebrate this epic event, Marvel is excited to unveil the official theme soundtrack for WAR OF THE REALMS, debuting on the This Week in Marvel podcast!
Recorded live at the gateway of the Black Bifrost, it’s a song so epic, even Surtur sheds a tear when he hears it! Composed and recorded by Jimmy Urine of Mindless Self Indulgence and produced by Marvel Entertainment with creative input from WAR OF THE REALMS writer Jason Aaron, the new theme song is currently streaming free at marvel.com/waroftherealms and on YouTube and can be heard on the latest episode of This Week in Marvel, available on Apple Podcasts, Marvel.com/Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Next week, all Hel will break loose as Marvel’s epic event from the award-winning creative team of Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, and Matthew Wilson finally hits comic shops! Plus, don’t miss a special midnight release of WAR OF THE REALMS #1 for retailers – be sure to check Marvel mailers for details!
*** end of transmission ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I liked the epic nature of this and in some sense it reminded me of some of the Viking and Black Metal that I love to see in concert based on how BIG the sound was for this. I can easily find this being the intro music to a crushing set of Metal by bands like Ensiferum or Dimmu Borgir but maybe that’s just me. What do you readers think about this theme and the overall “War Of The Realms” crossover to come? Chime in down in the comments section below. See you next time.
Official Website: http://www.marvel.com