Tag Archives: the toy association

Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Four

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The Toy Fair for 2023 was a great return to form for the massive toy industry trade show and as a media attendee for more than a decade now, I was so happy that it had returned after the pandemic pause. In addition to the photographic company recaps and all of the social media reveals including our Official Instagram Takeover, a number of exhibitor overviews were done for the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel. While these videos are resident on the Channel itself, I’ve compiled them into a series of posts to expand the events presence on the website. Our fourth and final installment for this website shares the finds at the Toy Tokyo booth. They brought a number of their Redoneye Astronauts with them and they were something else.

Checking Out Toy Tokyo @ Toy Fair 2023

Continue reading Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Four

Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Three

convention logos, toy fair, toy fair logos, toy fair logo 2023

The Toy Fair for 2023 was a great return to form for the massive toy industry trade show and as a media attendee for more than a decade now, I was so happy that it had returned after the pandemic pause. In addition to the photographic company recaps and all of the social media reveals including our Official Instagram Takeover, a number of exhibitor overviews were done for the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel. While these videos are resident on the Channel itself, I’ve compiled them into a series of posts to expand the events presence on the website. Our third chapter begins with some incredible statues from our friends at Dark Horse Collectibles.

Checking Out Dark Horse Collectibles @ Toy Fair 2023

Continue reading Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Three

Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Two

convention logos, toy fair, toy fair logos, toy fair logo 2023

The Toy Fair for 2023 was a great return to form for the massive toy industry trade show and as a media attendee for more than a decade now, I was so happy that it had returned after the pandemic pause. In addition to the photographic company recaps and all of the social media reveals including our Official Instagram Takeover, a number of exhibitor overviews were done for the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel. While these videos are resident on the Channel itself, I’ve compiled them into a series of posts to expand the events presence on the website. Our second installment begins with an in-depth look at Super7, one of my favorite brands of late.

Checking Out Super7’s Booth @ Toy Fair 2023

Continue reading Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part Two

Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part One

convention logos, toy fair, toy fair logos, toy fair logo 2023

The Toy Fair for 2023 was a great return to form for the massive toy industry trade show and as a media attendee for more than a decade now, I was so happy that it had returned after the pandemic pause. In addition to the photographic company recaps and all of the social media reveals including our Official Instagram Takeover, a number of exhibitor overviews were done for the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel. While these videos are resident on the Channel itself, I’ve compiled them into a series of posts to expand the events presence on the website. First up is a look at all of the cool “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” action figures being released by The Loyal Subjects.

Checking Out The Loyal Subjects “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” @ Toy Fair 2023

Continue reading Toy Exhibitor Video Overviews from Toy Fair 2023: Part One

Trade Show Update: PiercingMetal Is Approved For Toy Fair 2023

convention logos, toy fair, toy fair logos, toy fair logo 2023

If you’ve followed any of my previous coverage of the Toy Association’s Toy Fair trade show, you know that we haven’t had anything to report on since that scourge of a pandemic shut so much of life down for a couple of years. Now as the world slowly returns to some sense of normalcy, we are finding the concerts, conventions and trade shows all braving their return and I am happy to report that the Toy Fair will be making its own comeback this coming September, some three and a half years since it was last held. The other exciting news to share is that I will once again be attending as a member of the media after receiving the email earlier today that’s revealed below the graphic I fashioned for the occasion.

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“Dear Ken Pierce: Thank you for registering for Toy Fair 2023, held September 30 – October 3, 2023, at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York, NY. Your media credentials have been approved”.
Continue reading Trade Show Update: PiercingMetal Is Approved For Toy Fair 2023