Tag Archives: the new 52

DC Comics Proudly Presents: “The New 52” hits 52!

Believe it or not, we are heading toward the fifty second issue of many of the currently running DC Comics titles. Back in 2011, the company relaunched “52” of its core titles under the banner of “The New 52” and this press release and images will help us celebrate the momentous occasion. Read on down below.

The Press Release:
Celebrating 52 issues of incredible storytelling, DC Entertainment’s May 2016 variant cover theme will pay homage to the #1 issues of eleven comics that debuted in 2011 when DC Entertainment rebooted their superhero publishing line and revitalized the comics industry as a whole. It was a momentous occasion then, and is an anniversary to celebrate now!

Inspired by Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman #1, Rags Morales and Brad Anderson’s Action Comics #1, Adam Hughes’ Batgirl #1, and more, these brand-new “The New 52” variants will grace the covers of those same landmark titles that are hitting issue #52 in May. Illustrated by an all-star lineup of incredible talent, May’s lineup of variant covers are as remarkable as the industry-changing covers they’re based on. “The New 52” variants are the latest in a variety of monthly themes.

Action Comics #52 variant cover by Ben Oliver

dc comics, comic book covers, the new 52
“Action Comics” #52

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DC Comics Presents: The New 52 “Future’s End” Week One

Hey comic book fans, I’m going to be sharing some of the DC Comics stuff that is coming down the pike for the month of September. Every single issue title will be on hold this month and replaced by an interesting storyline that flings them into the future by a few years. Since new titles will be arriving by the dozen (give or take a copy) each week, I have broken down the solicitations on their respective week. Each edition will have a standard edition 2D cover along with a fantastic lenticular cover. I’ve secured the images of the lenticular covers for the first week and they look awesome. Check out some press from the DC Comics folks and these images.

FUTURES END IS HERE! Welcome to the future – FUTURES END, that is! This September, DC Entertainment takes you five years into the future of DC Comics – The New 52, where the heroes of the DC Universe face challenges unlike anything you’ve ever seen!

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“Grayson: Future’s End” #1

GRAYSON: FUTURES END #1: Branded a traitor, Dick Grayson has become the most powerful hero in the newly resurgent and dominant Mother Russia – and now, he must battle the Beast from the East in one final struggle for supremacy!

dc comics, comic book covers
“Aquaman: Future’s End” #1

AQUAMAN: FUTURES END #1: Mera has claimed the throne of Atlantis for herself – and she’s sentenced her unfaithful husband, Aquaman, to death!
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DC Comics “The New 52” Titles Onsale In May 2014

I’ve been posting broadcast blog items when Marvel Comics has new debut issues hitting the stands and after offering up so many summaries of the DC Comics offerings I felt that I should add their new first issues or beginning mini-series as each month goes along. That being said here are the premiere editions coming out this May from DC Comics “The New 52” grouping.

Logo - The New 52

As has been done with the Marvel broadcasts, I’ve lovingly used the basic premises for these titles from the Wikipedia Page for the brand and offering up cover art. I’ll be tossing in my views on the batch of releases at the close so here we go.

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DC Comics “The New 52” Titles Onsale In April 2014

I’ve been posting broadcast blog items when Marvel Comics has new debut issues hitting the stands and after offering up so many summaries of the DC Comics offerings I felt that I should add their new first issues or beginning mini-series as each month goes along. That being said here are the premiere editions coming out this April from DC Comics “The New 52” grouping.

Logo - The New 52
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DC Comics Presents: “Villains Month”: Week Four Issues

We’ve finally arrived at Week Four of the DC Comics month long initiative known as “VILLAINS Week” and for those who might just be joining us, this is a series of one-shot issues that spotlight some of the most nefarious denizens in the DC Universe. To see the past posts about the topic just click HERE to be brought up to speed. Now let’s get down to business with these issues that hit the racks on September 25th. The premise and art come from the proper publicity channels but my closing editorial is all me. Here we go.

dc comics, comic book covers, villains month
“Action Comics” #23.4 – Metallo

ACTION COMICS #23.4: METALLO – Before he became Metal-Zero, John Corben had two great loves: his country and Lois Lane. Awakening from a coma after the events of ACTION COMICS #8, Corben finds himself betrayed by both—and now his Kryptonite heart beats only for revenge! And when he joins up with the Secret Society, there’s no limit to the destruction he can cause!

Written by SHOLLY FISCH; Art by WILL CONRAD; 3-D motion cover by AARON KUDER
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