Believe it or not, we are heading toward the fifty second issue of many of the currently running DC Comics titles. Back in 2011, the company relaunched “52” of its core titles under the banner of “The New 52” and this press release and images will help us celebrate the momentous occasion. Read on down below.
The Press Release:
Celebrating 52 issues of incredible storytelling, DC Entertainment’s May 2016 variant cover theme will pay homage to the #1 issues of eleven comics that debuted in 2011 when DC Entertainment rebooted their superhero publishing line and revitalized the comics industry as a whole. It was a momentous occasion then, and is an anniversary to celebrate now!
Inspired by Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman #1, Rags Morales and Brad Anderson’s Action Comics #1, Adam Hughes’ Batgirl #1, and more, these brand-new “The New 52” variants will grace the covers of those same landmark titles that are hitting issue #52 in May. Illustrated by an all-star lineup of incredible talent, May’s lineup of variant covers are as remarkable as the industry-changing covers they’re based on. “The New 52” variants are the latest in a variety of monthly themes.
Action Comics #52 variant cover by Ben Oliver
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