Tag Archives: the falcon

A Week Of Marvels: Thor, Avengers: Age Of Ultron & Captain America

I had initially planned on putting up a broadcast per interesting news item but the stuff that came flying at my mailbox from the Marvel Comics side this week was just too fast for that and as many readers have seen, there had been several tour announcements to dish out. That said I lumped all three of these interesting and somewhat major happenings in the Marvel Universe into one post. I hope you will forgive me for taking the easy way out this time around 🙂 Let’s get down to business.

1. Thor Gets In Touch With His Feminine Side & Becomes A Woman: On the Tuesday episode of “The View” Marvel made the announcement that Thor would become a female in a move to attract more people to the franchise. Writer Jason Aaron was quoted as saying “This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before.”

Photo - Lady Thor
Continue reading A Week Of Marvels: Thor, Avengers: Age Of Ultron & Captain America

Opening Today: “Captain America The Winter Soldier” (4/4/2014)

Now I realize that I used this to open up the broadcast post about the first Captain America film when it came out but its such a good song that I just had to do it again, here we go 🙂

“When Captain America throws his mighty shield! All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield! If he’s led to a fight and a duel is due then the red and the white and the blue will come through when Captain America throws his mighty shield!!!!!”

Okay, that is out of my system now for the most part but how cool is it that the second film featuring Cap is opening up today as a part of the continued efforts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Pretty damn cool in my book. The poster is pretty dramatic as well, check it out….

Poster - Captain America The Winter Soldier - 2014
Continue reading Opening Today: “Captain America The Winter Soldier” (4/4/2014)