Greetings my trusty friends in PiercingMetal land, it’s once again time for me to take a pause in the usual proceedings to let you know that my Lifestyle Blog “The Chronicles Of PiercingKen” is now seven years old. That’s 2,555 days worth of online entertainment which touches upon a veritable cornucopia of topics. I’ve said this before and shall repeat that I really enjoy having this creative home away from home because its made my process even more fun and challenging. For those who’ve read that website, it’s no news to them about my speaking about so many different topics that just don’t belong over on the the music and Pop Culture vibe of – For those folks who are just now hearing about “The Chronicles”, its absolutely loaded to the brim with NYC photos, touristy stuff, food forays, adventures and the occasional music piece that has nothing to do with Metal but still needs to be discussed. There are times when “The Chronicles” serve as a traffic sign to something on PiercingMetal and of course vice versa. Are you hungry for more information about the website? This photo is probably the reason that the notion is hitting you if I had to take a guess.
So about the photo above, if you have never seen one of our anniversary posts before please know that I love being playful with visuals that speak to whatever anniversary we happen to be toasting. Being a pretty much lifelong Brooklyn, NY resident there is nothing quite like a slice of our pizza. Since it’s not really a representation of a “7” I improvised. I can say that its been steady as she goes over on “The Chronicles” and it’s surpassed the “500” posts mark which is pretty cool considering. Since our sixth anniversary there have been a lot more convention posts and some modifications that you can learn all about by clicking the slice of pizza photo above. As much as “The Chronicles” are for our own area readers, its also a blast to direct my far away visitor friends to some things. I love being able to send tourists to our sights when it comes down to it. My goal for the coming year on this site is to surpass the 600th post which was a hope for the 7th year but just not possible based on all we have going on with – it happens.
Now its time to get back to the business at hand. Thanks to all who are finding this other website of mine to their liking. The goal remains simple – to entertain you and to inspire you to look around a little more. For me it’s been a mission accomplished state for awhile and I look forward to keeping it coming. Ciao.
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