Tag Archives: ten

Pearl Jam’s “Ten” Is Twenty-Five (1991-2016)

Just the other day I mentioned how there were a lot of albums getting a special anniversary in 2016 and I wasn’t kidding since on this very day back in 1991 a little band named Pearl Jam came out of the apparent nowhere with their debut album “10”. It’s a bit of a slap from the time machine as I realize how such an album is now 25 years old and how in today’s music world that Pearl Jam is one of the very biggest bands known to man. I remember that I first heard Pearl Jam on my friend Rebel’s local Metal and Hard Rock radio show and how excited we both were about it since the music of Mother Love Bone was something that he used to play each and every week on the show. I was in one of my Metal bands at the time and it was clear by the sound of this particular album that the music scene was entering a dramatically shifting area. The Grunge movement was officially in place and the crushing thunder of double bass, razor riffing guitars and pounding bass were being moved to the side for this seemingly simpler sound. Of course the “Ten” album was nothing simple at all but loaded with atmosphere in terms of melody and deeply focused lyrics that spoke to the world around us more than stuff that found you unsheathing swords against imaginary adversaries.
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