Tag Archives: television posters

DC Fandome Shares The CW Network 2021 Promotional Posters

dc fandome logo, dc entertainment, dc comics

The DC Fandome is pulling out all the stops or as many as they can fit into this virutal convention and now they have revealed a run of posters for the upcoming DC Comics superhero shows that air on The CW Network in advance of the happening itself. These shows were commonly referred to as “The Arrowverse” but with the death of Green Arrow/Oliver Queen in the finale of his series I guess they will be changing that. I’ve offered up some personal opinion on the assorted series and how they are or are not keeping my attention at this point in time.

television posters, promotional posters, warner brothers television, the cw network

The Flash: For me The Flash is starting to run on empty. The storylines are too drawn out for me, and as opposed to lengthy goes with one master villain, I’d love for more assorted characters. Full seasons of Thinker and Cicada were too much for me and DC Comics often had other heroes villains facing them. Marvel does this all the time so take a queue. I still like it though.
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Nextflix Presents: “Lost In Space” Season 2 Promotional Posters

It was back during the time of the annual New York Comic Con that I first shared the Official Trailer for the second season of the Netflix Original Series “Lost In Space” and if you missed that just click HERE to be up to speed. Recently, a number of promotional character posters were revealed and as some of you might already know, I just love to showcase that stuff since they’re often very colorful and dynamic. I tend to view these as similar to my variant cover comic book posts. I’ll start off with the series Official Poster and even include the premise and ensemble casting as well. Please enjoy.

television posters, promotional posters, lost in space, lost in space posters

The Premise:
In the aftermath of an impact event that threatens the survival of humanity, the Robinson family is selected for the 24th mission of the Resolute (24th Colonist Group), an interstellar spacecraft carrying selected families to colonize the Alpha Centauri star system. Before they reach their destination, an alien robot breaches the Resolute’s hull. Forced to evacuate the mothership in short-range Jupiter spacecraft, scores of colonists, among them the Robinsons, crash on a nearby habitable planet. There they must contend with a strange environment and battle their own personal demons as they search for a way back to the Resolute. (c/o Wiki)
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Netflix Presents: “Stranger Things” Season 3 Promotional Posters

stranger things logo

Back in March I shared the Official Trailer for the 3rd season of the hit Netflix Series “Stranger Things”, and if you missed that you’re going to want to get on point by clicking HERE. Now its time to share some of the promotional character posters that were recently revealed. I’ll start with the teaser for the season and then continue on down below.

television posters, promotional posters, stranger things, stranger things posters

The Premise: Stranger Things is set in the fictional rural town of Hawkins, Indiana, during the early 1980s. The nearby Hawkins National Laboratory ostensibly performs scientific research for the United States Department of Energy, but secretly does experiments into the paranormal and supernatural, including those that involve human test subjects. Inadvertently, they have created a portal to an alternate dimension called “the Upside Down”. The influence of the Upside Down starts to affect the unknowing residents of Hawkins in calamitous ways. The first season begins in November 1983, when Will Byers is abducted by a creature from the Upside Down. His mother, Joyce, and the town’s police chief, Jim Hopper, search for Will. At the same time, a young psychokinetic girl called Eleven escapes from the laboratory and assists Will’s friends, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, in their own efforts to find Will. The second season is set a year later, starting in October 1984. Will has been rescued, but few know of the details of the events. When it is discovered that Will is still being influenced by entities from the Upside Down, his friends and family learn there is a larger threat to their universe from the Upside Down. The third season is set a few months later, in mid-1985, in the midst of the popularity of the film Back to the Future. Mike and Eleven have developed a relationship, as have Max and Lucas.
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Netflix Presents: “The Umbrella Academy” Promotional Posters

the umbrella academy logo

Now that the Official Trailer has made sufficient rounds, its time to continue the support of what looks to be a very fun series. If you didn’t see that trailer, please click HERE to bring up that post on a new tab. I’d hate for you to not know what I am talking about after all. Now its time to share a bunch of the promotional posters for the series, and this is something I love to do because its almost the same as the variant cover reveals. Let’s stars with the Official Poster and then onto the ones with the assorted characters. I’ve also added the premise and the casting for good measure so everyone knows who is who. Let’s go.

television posters, promotional posters, netflix, dark horse entertainment, the umbrella academy

The Premise: On the same day in 1989, forty-three infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a billionaire industrialist, who creates The Umbrella Academy and prepares his “children” to save the world. But not everything went according to plan. In their teenage years, the family fractured and the team disbanded. Now, the six surviving thirty-something members reunite upon the news of Hargreeves’ passing. Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Vanya and Number Five work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father’s death. But the estranged family once again begins to come apart due to their divergent personalities and abilities, not to mention the imminent threat of a global apocalypse.
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AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Celebrates 100th Episode with Homage Posters

the walking dead tv logo

Earlier today, I announced that the 8th Season of the AMC Original Series “The Walking Dead” was having its premiere and if you’ve gotten a late start to the say and haven’t seen that yet, just click HERE since I don’t feel like repeating all of that information in this brand-new narrative. So you might be wondering why a second post would go up for a show premiering on the same day and well here is the reason. Tonight’s episode will be the 100th of the series and to celebrate it, Greg Nicotero has offered up a barrage of Homage Posters to classic films from over the years.

television posters, promotional posters, amc, the walking dead, homage posters
TWD Homage To “Alien”

television posters, promotional posters, amc, the walking dead, homage posters
TWD Homage To “Back To The Future II”

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