The Press Release:
This December, Otto Octavius will leave the moniker of Doctor Octopus behind…and forever become THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN! The new ongoing series will be penned by Christos Gage (Spider-Geddon) with art by Mike Hawthorne (Deadpool), a collaboration that will also mark a renewal of Hawthorne’s Marvel exclusive.
“I’m more than thrilled to renew my exclusive with the folks at Marvel,” Hawthorne said. “I want to emphasize folks’ here, as I think we often talk about Marvel as this big entity that just makes things happen. Marvel, to me, is the people that work day in and day out to try to make the best comics they can. They’re the ones that keep me coming back. I’m ecstatic to dedicate the next few years of my creative energies to adding to the Marvel Universe!”
Continue reading Marvel Announces “Superior Spider-Man” Series (Coming 12/2018)