Tag Archives: superhero films

Opening Today: “Kick Ass 2” (8/16/2013)

kick-ass 2 movie logo

What time is it you say? Well, its time to “Kick Ass” once again…..

Click To Purchase Tickets On Fandango
Click To Purchase Tickets On Fandango

Today is the day that the sequel to the superhero action adventure “Kick Ass” comes out and I am pretty excited since I really enjoyed the first film. Oddly enough it bypassed me when it was initially released and I had to catch it on Netflix but trust me, its a fun ride for any fans of superhero films. For those unaware of the plot line, the world of Kick Ass is a normal place where real life people are taking up the mantle of serving the greater good by becoming super heroes. As we learned in the first film, some of these heroes are better at the task and some not so much and as you might expect, where heroes tend to wander so do the wanna be super villains. Who will come out on top in the second chapter of this brought to life universe? Only seeing the film will help you learn those answers.
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Opening Today: Disney’s “Lone Ranger” (7/3/2013)

“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty “Hi-yo, Silver!”, The Lone Ranger! With his faithful Indian companion Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains led the fight for law and order in the Early West. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear – The Lone Ranger rides again!!!”

That was the opening of the classic “Lone Ranger” television series from 1952 that I used to watch as a small boy when it was syndicated on (I guess) Channel 11 or Channel 5. It was classic good versus bad in a Western Theme and it starred Clayton Moore as The Lone Ranger and Jay Silverheels as Tonto. Today is the opening day for the new take on the film by Disney.

walt disney pictures, movie posters, the lone ranger

The Plot: In 2013 the film starts Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as The Lone Ranger and they will be kicking some Old West ass against the likes of Butch Cavendish and various other outlaws of the plains. We will get the heroes origin tale in this one along with a lot of guns, horse riding acrobatics and more. The trailer made me curious and I have loved the character himself since I was young (but I mentioned that already) so I think that it will be a fun ride. Pardon the ride pun of course.
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Check Out The Expanded Trailer for “Man Of Steel” (2013)

I’ve not been quiet about my enjoyment of the crop of Marvel Cinematic Universe films over the last couple of years on our official blog for PiercingMetal and now its time to give some attention over to what we will find coming out next year from the DC Comics side. The next film for their characters will be a reboot of the Superman franchise entitled “Man Of Steel” and will give us his origin, discovery of powers and a battle with an evil Kryptonian named General Zod. You might perhaps remember that Superman fought Zod and some other criminals from his home world in “Superman II” if you are of a certain age and if you don’t I still highly recommend those two films.

Clearly this is a darker and more brooding take on the hero than I expected so I hope it works out for them and the future of the franchise. The important thing to remember is that Superman is NOT Batman and hence not dark in his motivations for heroism. Superman is supposed to be as good and as positive as all get out and is pretty much unbeatable based on his powers. Batman on the other hand is just a whole lot of whoop ass that leaves villains wishing they stayed home.

The Cast: Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Michael Shannon (General Zod), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Ken), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni, Russell Crowe (as Jor-El).

Before my words get taken wrong, you should know I love Superman and want an exciting, heroic film for the character. I did not enjoy Green Lantern all that much and I felt that Dark Knight Rises needed a little more Batman in it so I am going to be a bit skeptical until I walk out of the theater next year. To my knowledge there will be no intermingling of characters in this new film which is a shame since after Marvel’s “The Avengers”, a “Justice League” movie would be a very interesting project to see develop. What are your hopes for this film and the future of Superman in cinema? I have left the comments open to discuss a little bit.

Official Film Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_of_Steel_(film)

The Trailer For “Iron Man 3” Is Here

We tend to geek out over here for the Comic Book stuff on the PiercingMetal Musings Blog and have been proving our proud Nerd factor time and time again with the review of the various titles and whenever possible some discussion of the very exciting Marvel Cinematic Universe films. I never mentioned this but it doesn’t matter at this point, but I didn’t see “Iron Man” when it first came out. It was a very busy time in life so I needed to wait for DVD but I did catch “The Incredible Hulk” in the cinema and loved how the building of a shared universal timeline was happening with these characters. Wasn’t it fantastic that those films led to not only a second Iron Man film, but also a Thor and Captain America one and brought us to the blockbuster hit of 2012 – “The Avengers”.

That exciting film brings us to the next go round for Iron Man who will battle for his life against The Mandarin (who will be played by Ben Kingsley). Since the trailer has just been put online I am sharing with you readers so we can get a little dialogue going about the premise and what we hope it all will amount to. Of course it will be followed by the second Thor and Captain American films before we get a sequel to The Avengers. Take a look.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Will Expand :)

So the other day at SDCC they announced some of the upcoming Marvel superhero films that will continue to expand upon their shared cinematic universe and I will say that I am all for them if they continue the excellence that we found in Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Incredible Hulk and The Avengers. I downloaded the logos for each of them and will speak a little bit about the offerings and what I personally hope we can expect.
Continue reading The Marvel Cinematic Universe Will Expand 🙂