The Toy Fair for 2023 was a great return to form for the massive toy industry trade show and as a media attendee for more than a decade now, I was so happy that it had returned after the pandemic pause. In addition to the photographic company recaps and all of the social media reveals including our Official Instagram Takeover, a number of exhibitor overviews were done for the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel. While these videos are resident on the Channel itself, I’ve compiled them into a series of posts to expand the events presence on the website. Our second installment begins with an in-depth look at Super7, one of my favorite brands of late.
Well hello once again my wonderful geek-minded readers. As promised I am back with another Special Feature from the recent New York Comic Con and this one will be the very last in the comprehensive photo overviews. Hey we had to finish up eventually right? So if this is your first time seeing the website, let me line out that when it comes to the New York Comic Con I tend to go all out and bring you as much as is possible. It’s a lot more work for sure but for me and the website having 20 or so images from a single spot and I think that I like doing it like this. So before I continue along let me recommend that the newer visitors click HERE first as that will open up a brand-new browser tab with all of the posts that preceded this one. Now its time to continue with the features and present to with Pure Arts, Super7 and Zenescope Entertainment. Let’s roll.
The Pure Arts stuff is some serious business. These statues are as imposing in their visual as they are in price but if this is what you collect and love to display, that is alright for sure. There is a wide amount of franchise licenses being displayed in the below images. I’m a big fan of the brooding knight and of course the dragons.
Last month, PiercingMetal was in attendance at the 2023 edition of the Five Points Festival which was once again being held at the ZeroSpace in Brooklyn. During the event a series of video interviews were done by site founder Ken Pierce and while resident on the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel, several have been collected into this post to expand the coverage on the website. This is the third in a series of installments which will run until the videos have all been featured.
Hey there my friends, so welcome back to another piece of the larger media puzzle that is the New York Comic Con. So as you might be aware, the overall day to day NYCC coverage has finished posting but one of the things I decided to do this time around was additional special feature posts to aim the spotlight at something on its own. Part of the reason for doing this was based on the lack of a Toy Fair this year and also this coming winter in 2023. It will be back in September of 2023 as previously mentioned. With that said let’s have a quick look at what was going on at the booths of The Noble Collection and Super7 and if you are only just now joining us and want to see the full NYCC presentations from the beginning just click HERE to do that.
One of the coolest things that The Noble Collection has for me as a collector are the Bendyfigs. When I was younger I remember the bendy figures from assorted companies and they looked okay at best and were limited in overall poseability. The Bendyfigs have raised the game on this idea and as result I want a whole bunch of them.
Back in June, PiercingMetal was in attendance at the 2022 edition of the Five Points Festival which had returned to being an in-person happening after a two-year pandemic pause. The return found them setting up camp at a new event center called ZeroSpace in Brooklyn. During the event a series of video interviews were done by site founder Ken Pierce and while resident on the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel, they have been collected into a series of posts that will expand the coverage on the website. This is the first of these posts which will run until all of the videos have been featured.