Artist: Black Dahlia Murder
Venue: Fillmore NY (New York, NY)
Opener: Kataklysm, Vader, Cryptopsy, The Faceless, Despised Icon, Aborted, Born Of Osiris, Psycroptic, & Whitechapel
Date: 6/26/2008
Label: Metal Blade Records
I have to admit that when they announced that this year’s edition of Ozzfest was only going to be a single performance and that the show would be nowhere near my geographic location that I hardly felt the slightest amount of disappointment in my Metal heart. Yes, Metallica would be one of the event’s headliners but the larger part of the lineup assembled for it came off as a big ho hum to me and there were just too many other amazing tour packages to be excited about for me to worry about getting over to Ozzfest. The summer of 2008 launched with the first ever Paganfest USA and this event delivered four outstanding bands who had never been on our shores before and then we had Progressive Nation continuing the greatness with Dream Theater and Opeth. The lineup for the Summer Slaughter tour only stood to prove that we were going to get a righteous dose of head banging Metal for a really affordable price and the all day affair would take place inside the Fillmore NY. There would be a total of ten bands on this bill and while many are known to the larger fan bases across the world there were a number of up and coming acts that one should pay mind to. The headliner for the gig would be Black Dahlia Murder and immediate powerhouse support would be coming from Kataklysm, Vader and Cryptopsy. The earlier start-off acts would come by way of Whitechapel, Psycroptic, The Aborted, Despised Icon, The Faceless and Born Of Osiris. Ten bands are a lot to absorb and get the point across about so I chose to briefly lineout some of the performance highlights as I am sure that each of these talented groups will be on other bills where a longer set can be enjoyed. Here is what happened in case you missed out, and shame on you if you did.
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