Well the votes have been submitted and I am not speaking about the whole Electoral College ones and instead am here to reveal the 2017 inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Check them out below along with some quick notations.

The Class of 2017 Is:
Electric Light Orchestra: ELO has long been one of my favorite artists based on just how many songs I knew by them and could sing word for word thanks to the traditional Rock radio of the past. Congrats to Jeff and the rest of the group. Looking forward to seeing their performance on the broadcast.
Journey: I think I’ve been listening to Journey almost as long as I’ve been listening to KISS and that my friends is a very, very, very long time. Super stoked to see them inducted and while the jury is still out on whether or not Steve Perry will perform with them on the stage I hope we get Greg Rolie up there as well since he was a vital part of their earliest success.
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Artist: Journey
Title: “Greatest Hits”
Label: Columbia/Legacy
Release Date: 8/1/2006
Genre: Rock
Rating: 5/5
Originally released in 1988, the Greatest Hits of Journey would see sales well into the millions causing the disk to achieve 14 times Platinum status. If you listened to a radio during the years of 1977 through 1986 then there it is very strong chance that most of the songs on this CD will come back to you and perhaps even have you recall a specific period of time. The band was formed by members of Santana (Schon and Rolie) and they built a solid Rock outfit that was borderline Progressive at first but never short on melody when it came down to it. When singer Steve Perry joined the group for the album “Infinity” a new direction was beginning for them musically and would lead to blockbuster levels of success as hit after hit made it to the airwaves. A few songs on the first Perry albums found radio acclaim like “Lights” and “Anyway You Want It” but when “Escape” and “Frontiers” were released the result did so well that they show units of over 43 million being sold when their catalog is reviewed. The CD finds its strongest representation from these two releases and sales numbers are growing more and more as time passes by. While in 2006 the band has found some membership changes over the years their die hard supporters have never let go of their love for the music. This is the kind of Greatest Hits package that I prefer because it does not feature a batch of new tunes that are often an unwelcome presence on a compilation like this. Too often we find bands giving fans a new song that was leftover, and sadly usually for a good reason. It takes away from the inclusion of an additional hit for the release and I really find them forgettable. This is a high recommendation and the perfect CD for your music player or collection in general.
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