Tag Archives: star trek

Now Streaming: “Star Trek: Discovery” Final Season on Paramount+ (4/4/2024)

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“Space, the Final Frontier. These are the final voyages of the USS Discovery” and while I know that this is in no way how the show begins, it’s true, “Star Trek: Discovery” embarks on their last adventures in the final season of the show that begins streaming today on the Paramount+ streaming service. Truth be told I’ve only ever seen a mere handful of the series when I briefly had the service so I don’t know much about what is proposed to take place. Some refresher about the series can be found below along with casting and artwork. If you missed the trailer post just click HERE before you continue along.

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The Premise: The series begins around ten years before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series, when Commander Michael Burnham’s actions start a war between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. She is court-martialed, stripped of rank, and reassigned to the USS Discovery, which has a unique means of propulsion called the “Spore Drive”. After an adventure in the Mirror Universe, Discovery helps end the Klingon war. In the second season they investigate seven mysterious signals and a strange figure known as the “Red Angel”, and fight off a rogue artificial intelligence. This conflict ends with the Discovery traveling to the 32nd century, more than 900 years into their future. (c/o Wiki)
Continue reading Now Streaming: “Star Trek: Discovery” Final Season on Paramount+ (4/4/2024)

Paramount+ Presents “Star Trek: Discovery” Final Season Official Trailer

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Whether you call yourself a “Trekkie” or a “Trekker”, at the end of the day you are a dedicated fan of the Gene Roddenberry created “Star Trek” franchise and its many films and television series. Today will be a sad one for those who’ve been following the show “Star Trek: Discovery” which airs on the Paramount+ streaming service. The show is set to begin its final adventures in April and the Official Trailer just recently dropped. I’ve embedded the clip along with some casting, art and an overall series premise for good measure. Take a look.

The Premise: The series begins around ten years before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series, when Commander Michael Burnham’s actions start a war between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. She is court-martialed, stripped of rank, and reassigned to the USS Discovery, which has a unique means of propulsion called the “Spore Drive”. After an adventure in the Mirror Universe, Discovery helps end the Klingon war. In the second season they investigate seven mysterious signals and a strange figure known as the “Red Angel”, and fight off a rogue artificial intelligence. This conflict ends with the Discovery traveling to the 32nd century, more than 900 years into their future. (c/o Wiki)
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Special Feature from New York Comic Con 2023: Hallmark (Part One)

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So welcome back once again my friends. I bet that some of you thought that I had served up all of the adventuring from the New York Comic Con and while I technically did when it came to the day by day rundown, I also pointed out that I would be serving up some special feature focuses as well. Let’s face it, an event like the NYCC is like a vast crowded wilderness of geeky coolness and this practice will let me feature more items from a particular vendor. If you somehow missed all of the content from the con and are just joining us now, I’m going to suggest that you first start by clicking HERE. That will open up a brand-new browser tab with all of the posts that preceded this one and lets you glean all of the awesome presentation at your own pace. When you’ve finished you can pick up with us as I deliver what was found in the Hallmark Pavilion.

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Hallmark had a really big space and I just loved the “For All Fankind” motto. I think that needs to be on a button because I would wear something like that for sure.

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023, hallmark, hallmark collectibles
Continue reading Special Feature from New York Comic Con 2023: Hallmark (Part One)

Playmobil & NECA @ New York Comic Con 2022

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Hello again my friends and welcome back to some more coverage from the New York Comic Con for 2022. So as I’ve just wrapped up the Day Three visuals, I wanted to pause for a moment and shine the spotlight on two of my favorite companies. As you know, the PiercingMetal outlet has been going to the Toy Fair since 2011 but pandemic pauses and changes found it being moved to the Fall of next year. With no Toy Fair in 2022, it made good sense to visit the toy companies we know well and lend them some love. This post features some visuals from both NECA and Playmobil. I’ll start with NECA and if you are only just now joining us and want to see the full NYCC presentations from the beginning just click HERE to do that.

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NECA always has a lot of cool stuff and here are some of the new additions to their “Toony Terrors” line of action figures. These are essentially the movie monsters and antagonists done as if they were in cartoons. The idea is brilliant when you think about it.

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Continue reading Playmobil & NECA @ New York Comic Con 2022

Scenes From The Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2022 @ Current

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Though it might still be September, the holiday season will surely be upon us faster than we might expect and that’s what makes the Toy Insider’s annual “Holiday Of Play” event the perfect place to get an idea about what you will be able to purchase for your loved ones during those festive months. For the last couple of years, the “Holiday Of Play” has been held over at Current, an event space down on Chelsea Piers. It’s a bit smaller than where the “Sweet Suite” happens but that is because there are less exhibitors and attendees that participate. As you reached the door, the clever signage drew you in. “Get Ready to Sleigh”. Well since you insist….let’s.

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The way I was going to do this segment from the adventure was to keep a succinct focus on the kinds of things I write about when I do the Toy Fair. Remember that there wasn’t one this year and while it will make its grand return next year it will be held in September instead of in February. I’m going to start with the folks at Bandai who had a lot of their Anime and “Stranger Things” products on display.

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I was an immediate fan of The Loyal Subjects where I learned that they were releasing an Ozzy Osbourne action figure and the Hottest Band in The World, KISS!!!! Last year they had their Space Man on display but at this years “Holiday Of Play” they were showing off a boxed set that had a lot of the “Dynasty” vibe to it. All four members of the band were inside and yes I had to get myself one of these. Take a look.

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They also have a line of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and were promoting a special package of action figure and comic book special edition in a boxed set. Leonardo from The Turtles was on point to showcase this and to meet with the fans that were in attendance.

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I’m always excited to see what Playmates Toys is releasing and they’ve got a line of “Star Trek” action figures now which combine a few different eras of the franchise. Right off the bat I am interested in that Enterprise for my own collection but as a longtime fan of their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line of figures I will for sure be looking into snagging a set. I was also very impressed with the newness for the Miraculous Ladybug stuff. This is a charming character and is just gaining popularity.

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I really loved these “Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron” from Jazwares. They are nicely built and remind me a little of the Eaglemoss Collections batch of “Star Trek” starships. Hopefully Jazwares will be adding some of the larger crafts used by the Galactic Empire since I will surely be interested in those.

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That’s going to bring me to the end of PiercingMetal’s adventure at the “Holiday Of Play” based on my only sharing the stuff that’s normally featured here on the website. As you might expect, I’ve done a few more posts over on “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” since a majority of products were aimed at a younger demographic. You can head over to that website anytime you like and before I leave, many thanks again to the folks at the Toy Insider for having PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken on point to share some images and editorial opinion. See you next time around.

Official Links:
Toy Insider: http://www.thetoyinsider.com
Pop Insider: http://www.thepopinsider.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thetoyinsider
Bandai Namco: http://www.bandai.com
Jazwares: http://www.jazwares.com
The Loyal Subjects: http://www.theloyalsubjects.com
Playmates Toys: http://www.playmatestoys.com/us/

toy insider, holiday of play, holiday of play 2022