Tag Archives: star trek: mission new york 2016

Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Five)

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Greetings to all of our friends in the Starfleet Academy. I have returned to the planet Javits Center to continue exploring new worlds and new civilizations at the debut “Star Trek: Mission New York” Convention. To see the earlier chapters please click HERE to see them all in a new browser tab. Let’s continue along with the presentation and showcasing the vendors, highlights and some wonderful Star Trek inspired cosplay.

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I’ll start off with a wide collection of Star Trek ornaments from Hallmark.

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Continue reading Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Five)

Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Four)

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“majQa’ Dub yab potlh law’ fourth chapter coverage vo’ Hov trek Qu’ chu’ york convention”. Oh I’m sorry I was speaking in Klingon for a moment but what I was saying was “Welcome back readers to the fourth chapter of coverage from the Star Trek Mission New York convention”. To see the earlier chapters please click HERE to see them all in a new browser tab.

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Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Three)

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Greetings again Trekkies, I was ready to welcome you back to the exploration of the “Star Trek: Mission New York” narratives but its only logical that you have returned to the website to see what the readings on our media tricorder have actually discovered. I’m sorry, I am aiming at being thematically humorous here so please bear with me. Let’s get this landing party started. If you’ve missed the earlier chapter please click HERE to see them all in a new browser tab. So I had taken a quick break for lunch and when I returned I noticed two great actors being interviewed on that Enterprise bridge that I showed you before. This is Robert Picardo (The Doctor) and Michael Dorn (Mr. Worf) from “Star Trek: Voyager” and “Star Trek: The Next Generation” respectively. How cool is that.

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star trek mission new york, star trek mission new york 2016, star trek mission new york 2016 photos
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Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Two)

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Hello again my fellow Trekkies, I’m so glad that you have beamed over to the Javits Center with me for my continuing exploration into the “Star Trek: Mission New York” convention. The event took over the famed convention center this past weekend and I’m continuing on with the second batch of fifty visuals for your data banks. Like many of the conventions nowadays, there is an app for that and many have downloaded the Star Trek Mission New York one because they could connect to their respective social networks and each other for the sake of better interaction. Prep the landing party we are heading to surface. If you’ve missed the earlier chapter please click HERE to see them all in a new browser tab.

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With the “Star Trek” original series hitting its 50th Anniversary, we saw a lot of popular games with their own specialty edition to be purchased.  For instance here is a Trivial Pursuit that is dedicated to the five year mission.

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Continue reading Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part Two)

Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part One)

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This past weekend was surely an exciting one because it was the first ever “Star Trek: Mission New York” convention and it would unite the races of the galaxy in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the original “Star Trek” television show. According to my research, that first episode aired on September 8th of 1966 and while I didn’t watch it during its original run, I recall watching it as reruns at a very young age at my Grandmothers apartment on a small black and white television in her kitchen. Ahh memories. Above us hung a massive sign announcing the upcoming “Star Trek: Discovery” show which is coming to CBS All Access.

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The long hallway down to the convention had some great banners hanging up and each of them bore a popular phrase from the franchise.

star trek mission new york 2016, star trek mission new york 2016 photos, star trek mission new york
Continue reading Boldly Going To Star Trek: Mission New York (Part One)