Hey there my friends, so we are now officially down to the wire with the posts about the Special Edition: NYC for 2015 and its rather sad to be closing out on this coverage since I was having such a good time. So let’s get down to the cosplayer fun and start with this trio of characters that I am completely unaware about.
I did realize that this was Poison Ivy of course but only after first thinking that she was She-Hulk. I’m not always on my game with this stuff despite my trying to be.
Hello again readers and welcome to the continuing coverage of the Special Edition: NYC for 2015; I’m not going to dance around with any long intro right now since we are deep into the mix of this presentation so let’s get the party started by turning up the “Rock Box” and saying hello to Hip Hop legend, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels. Darryl has his own comic output now under Darryl Makes Comics and he was a big hit at the convention today and talked to every fan he met at length. That is class.
Not sure if this is a Lady Sif cosplay but am fairly certain that this is Joanna, a talented seamstress that has been met before at Cons.
Hey there, hi there, ho there it is nice to have you back at the PiercingMetal site for yet another piece of our Special Edition NYC coverage puzzle for their 2015 event. For those new to the presentation this is the third chapter so its easy for you to go back and see what you have missed and to stay tuned for what is to come up afterward. That being said lets get this party started. On your mark, get set, geek out……
Good morning readers and welcome back to the visuals from this years Special Edition NYC convention. If you are just now hearing about the site, you’ve arrived at the Second Chapter of the presentation so you might want to click HERE and see the First Chapter before continuing along. If you do that the whole adventure will be much easier to enjoy so by all means please do and then follow along with the next. I’m going to start with this anime Cosplayer but I admit I am terrible at Anime so do not know the character.
This weekend was the sophomore go-round for the Special Edition NYC Convention which some readers of the site and those who attended last will recall as being held at the Javits Center where we find the massive NY Comic Con taking place. This year would be different and the event would set up shop down on Pier 94 way down on the West Side. This event space is quite a hike and I only mention that for any Cosplayers heading to it sporting massive bulk to their costumes. Also the slightly in need of more exercise folks such as myself. I’ll be presenting about “50” images in each post as I’ve done in all of our Comic Con reports. Let’s get to exploring.
As you can see by the sign at the entrance, the Special Edition NYC proudly showcases their social networks and encourages Tweeting and Instagram stuff from their attendees. I’m definitely going to be doing this via my sites own accounts of @piercingmetal and @piercingmetalnyc so check those out and give us a follow if you are enjoying the offerings.