Tag Archives: sons of seasons

Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 3

new year's music resolutions

Hello again, it’s great that you are sticking with our New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012 Blog Series, and welcome to Wednesday or our “third times the charm edition”. As you have seen over the last couple of days posts, we posed the inquiry to a number of musical greats about what their resolutions might be as it relates to Metal or Music on the whole. I’ve loved what we got back from them and without any further adieu, please enjoy this chapter.

Stu Block (lead vocals for Iced Earth): My New Years Resolutions for 2012 is, to broaden my knowledge to the things that are happening in my country, politically and financially. Eat healthier and work out more.

Oliver Palotai (keyboards for Kamelot & Sons Of Seasons): My New Years Musical Resolution is to continue making good music and to further kick the mainstream in the ass!

Nick Avila (bassist for Powerglove): Powerglove’s New Years Metal resolution for 2012 is to overcome our Skyrim addictions, and write and record a new Video Game album for you. We are also exploring the logistics of building a Starburst cannon, setting up a Powerglove video game metal convention, touring Japan, and entering the world beard and moustache championships. Seeing as none of us currently have moustaches, we have our work cut out for us, but with a combination of Rogaine, miracle grow, and self determination, I believe we have a good shot at failure. Cheers to failure, and Happy New Year to you all!
Continue reading Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 3