Tag Archives: social networking

PiercingMetal’s Tumblr Is Now The Ken Pierce Media Tumblr

tumblr logo, tumblr

Historically speaking, PiercingMetal.com which was launched back in 2005, has gone through what I feel are many interesting changes. Initially, this was a pure HTML website that only did reviews and somewhere around 2008 we launched a connected Blog for it called “PiercingMetal Musings” which used WordPress. That blog expanded the ideas of the brand and all along the way we used whatever social networking tools available to help make this voice a bit louder. There was a PiercingMetal MySpace and while I had a personal Friendster account, I talked about my journalistic adventures on it all the time. In 2010 we learned of Tumblr which was a micro-blogging medium and connected it to our branded Twitter and would occasionally share our website posts to the network. For the most part I left it alone and when I merged the HTML based PiercingMetal and its Musings Blog into one bigger voice completely under WordPress, I always tried to remember to check the box that allowed sharing to the Tumblrverse of Followers that we had. This brings us to where we are today in web-journalism and the new announcement.
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The VampireFreaks Social Networking Site Has Ended (1999-2020)

vampirefreaks logo

Back in September, I helped share the news that the Goth Subculture website VampireFreaks.com would be facing an inevitable sunset (discussed HERE). Today, that dawn has come and the popular social network has ended. Below the grim graphic you can find the official statement from management.

vampirefreaks rest in peace

The Statement:
The Vampirefreaks Social Network is officially laid to rest.
We had an amazing 20+ year run and I’ll be forever grateful for the experience. To the many people who have reached out to us and expressed their gratitude and shared their VF stories – it really means a lot.

I’ll always remember the VF social network as a community for freaks and outcasts to be themselves and support eachother and being weirdos together. These past few days have been really emotional and i’ve shed quite a few tears about it. It’s been so great seeing everyone come together the final days for one last hurrah. VF touched so many people’s lives and I know I can’t take credit what it became, it was an accumulation of all the members worldwide who made this place their home.
Continue reading The VampireFreaks Social Networking Site Has Ended (1999-2020)

Tweet This: Today Marks PiercingMetal’s 10th Twitterversary

twitter logo across

I am not lying to you when I say that I cannot believe that I have been using Twitter for “10” years as of this point in time. Frankly speaking, I don’t think I have even touched upon the social network here on the website outside of suggesting that our readers follow us in an occasional post. We signed up in 2009 for PiercingMetal and were told that it was “the hot thing to do” at the time. I discussed this move as a part of a series of social networking narratives and you can find the thoughts on this course of action by clicking HERE. The link will bring you to the focused Twitter thoughts of the time and that is way back in early 2010. Below you will find a screen captured JPG of that profile’s very first tweet.

piercingmetal on twitter, twitter, first tweet
Continue reading Tweet This: Today Marks PiercingMetal’s 10th Twitterversary

PiercingMetal & Social Networking: SnapChat

I’ve been on the fence about doing a post about this particular medium in the online realm because like some of the others we have briefly discussed, it is NOT a social network per se. Snapchat is a blend of Instant Messenger and a Photo Sharing kind of application and once you add your friends or those who most interest you, messages can be sent to them – and remain for a duration of a matter of seconds. What!!!

Logo - SnapChat

You have not read that incorrectly, the messages and images are only visible to you for a set amount of seconds before being deleted from your device and the Snapchat servers. Strangely enough I know some people who absolutely love it and feel its perfect for their own attention span. Seconds? Gosh I need a little more time than that I am afraid. I created my account at first to lock out the brand and to see what it was all about but since I am all about longevity here at the PiercingMetal Command HQ, I don’t think that I will be keeping it on my phone all that much longer. If you happen to find me please keep anything you send relevant to the music scene and nothing too bizarre 🙂 I would appreciate that.

What are your own thoughts on this kind of application? Do you think it serves any kind of purpose or do you want no part of it. Let me know what you think in the comments since that is what they are there for.

Official Wikipedia Entry = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snapchat