Tag Archives: sgt. slaughter

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 2 – Part 6

“6, 6, 6….the number of the piece” – Well, alright, its more the number of the chapter but I like to get creative here especially since there are so many wonderful sights to share with you fine readers. As I’ve said already in the previous five installments, these visuals and commentary hail from the 2013 NY Comic Con were I was wandering among the fans as a fan as well and it was surely a different albeit interesting experience. Here we go with my sixth installment of images and views from the Second Day of NY Comic Con. Let’s suit up 🙂

First up the Capcom Pavilion – Makers of great video games which you can see some fans playing in this photo from afar.

nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013, ny comic con
Capcom Pavilion

Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 2 – Part 6

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 2 – Part 3

Hello readers and welcome back to the continuing presentations from my recent visit to the NY Comic Con of 2013; I am still hard at work delivering all the wondrous findings and visuals from the second day of the convention and if you are just joining us on the program, please know that I have broken down my images into fifty per posting. Let’s get a move on shall we….

I don’t really like starting off a chapter with a Cosplay that I do not immediately recognize but the Manga stuff is too hard to follow. This young lady had an impressive battle stance and hence gets the honor just the same.

nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013, ny comic con

Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 2 – Part 3