Tag Archives: second issues

DC Comics “The New 52″ Second Issues: “Superman” Titles

As previously blogged about in the PiercingMetal Musings; DC Comics recently re-launched a number of titles and started them off from issue #1 under the branding of “The New 52”. The initiative’s prime objective being to up the number of titles available each month and to offer new readers an easier chance to jump on board with their characters. The New 52 titles have been grouped into eight specifications such as Green Lantern or Batman themed titles. Last month we blogged about as many of the individual first issues as we could get our hands on and segmented each of the posts based on what family they fell into. Here is our continuation of the overview with the second issues of the Superman family of titles.

“Superman” #2

Superman #2: I admit to being left a little for want with the debut issue of Superman in “The New 52” so I was eager to see if the second issue would snap me to attention a little bit more. The cover definitely intrigued me and found the Big Red S being pummeled into a building by some invisible assailant. OK so it’s nice to see that he already has his hands full and is not near omnipotent (that was always an issue with the original Superman of several decades ago). The assailant appears to have some kind of a Kryptonian connection because we find it speaking the language to our hero but the rationale behind its ire is still unclear. Eventually the Man Of Steel comes out on top but if you think his troubles are over you are far off the mark here. As it closed up I found myself a little more interested than I expected to be. It’s going to take a little while to get used to Lois and Clark merely being acquaintances and I am still not sold on his “loner” angle. I guess this particular revisionist view is doing that to a lot of people.
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DC Comics “The New 52” Batman Family Second Issues

As previously blogged about in the PiercingMetal Musings; DC Comics recently re-launched a number of titles and started them off from issue #1 under the branding of “The New 52”. The initiative’s prime objective being to up the number of titles available each month and to offer new readers an easier chance to jump on board with their characters. The New 52 titles have been grouped into eight specifications such as Green Lantern or Justice League themed titles. Last month we blogged about as many of the individual first issues as we could get our hands on and segmented each of the posts based on what family they fell into. Here is our continuation of the overview with the second issues of the Batman family of titles.

"Batman" #2
“Batman” #2

Batman #2: The opening scene finds Batman being set upon by numerous denizens of Arkham Asylum who are in the middle of a full scale breakout. He has some unexpected assistance that might make you scratch your head for a moment and I am not spoiling the scene for you. Some interaction with the Commissioner and a LOT of Bruce Wayne time as he holds court and unveils some big Donald Trump like happenings at a function at Wayne Manor. We meet all of the Robin’s with the exception of Jason Todd and all are in street clothes for this and learn about some of the cool technology that Batman is using in his battle on crime. We close out with a scene that is not too far off from the movie “Seven” if I had to draw a comparison and the reveal at the end while shocking to the readers eyes will likely be explained away somehow that will make sense as the writers line it out. For now it leaves you a little shaken but remember my friends “it’s only a comic book story”. I admit that it did leave me anxious just a tad because I love a good cliff hanger. Scott Snyder writes this tome while Greg Capullo penciled and Jonathan Glapton inked.

"Detective Comics" #2
“Detective Comics” #2

Detective Comics #2: Did not review, official premise follows. Batman sets his sights on the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who’s visiting Gotham City to cover the gruesome slayings – while also trying to uncover Bruce’s own mystery. But time is running out as both Commissioner Gordon and Batman work to uncover the true identity of this new serial killer.
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