Tag Archives: scott hanna

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Three (Part 1)

convention logos, new york comic con, new york comic con logos, new york comic con 2023 logo, nycc 2023

Hello again my fine-feathered geeks and welcome back to yet another post from the comprehensive coverage of the 2023 New York Comic Con. You’ve safely arrived at the first installment from the Day Three part of the adventure and that means its the Saturday of the event. Historically speaking, this is one of the most crowded days of the whole affair but that never manages to slow me down. As I’ve mentioned in each of the preceding first chapters of the days, this is my 13th straight year of attendance in an official capacity as media and while its exhausting to do this much running around I still love it. Now I should mention that I am not running around in a cosplay of any kind and instead am sporting a different Metal or comic book shirt across the days. Today I’m sporting a cool “Star Wars” comic book cover shirt that I got from Walmart when I visited the folks over the summer. I wore a KISS shirt yesterday since as many know who read my posts they are my absolute favorite. So before I begin, let me first remind you to make sure that you click HERE to open up all of the previous posts in a brand-new window. With this kind of event, I feel its better to start from the beginning. When I walked in today I was greeted by Darth Vader and a couple of troopers who were doing some outreach for the 501st Legion. I’d look into this but I sadly feel I’m a little short for a Stormtrooper. IYKYK 😉

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023

Just loved these two Spider-verse cosplays of Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Punk. Very well done gentlemen.

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Three (Part 1)

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Two (Part Three)

2019 new york comic con logo

Greetings fellow Geeks, you know the drill and you know where you are right now, well, you should know at this point 🙂 For those just joining the program allow me to welcome you to the PiercingMetal in-depth visual overview of the 2019 New York Comic Con. I’m up to Part Three of the Day Two observations and I am just going to pick up from where I left you in Part Two. The newbies might want to click HERE first so they see all that’s come before this one.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

As per usual, I am picking up from where I left off and here we see the lovely Hendo once more dressed in some sort of Psylocke/Playboy Bunny mashup. I stopped by here once more because as you can see there was a Vero booth. Vero was supposed to take the place of both Facebook and Instagram but it didn’t. I have an account that can be followed but so far I’ve barely used it.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

This is Tom Bilyeu and he is the founder of Impact Theory Comics. I was happy to take an autographed copy of his “Hexagon” comic book.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

IDW Publishing has a few adult coloring books that are the creative work of artist Alan Robert. Metalheads know him as one of the members of the band Life Of Agony as well and they have been very active of late so do check them out when you get the chance.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

For the last few years one of the highlights of the convention exploration was dropping by the folks at Evil Ink Press. They are the publishers of the Science Fiction series “The Amory Wars”. This series is the brainchild of one Claudio Sanchez, singer and guitarist of Hard Rock/Progressive stalwarts Coheed and Cambria.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

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Claudio always does signings at the booth and the line is ridiculous. It’s awesome that he does this and I always make it a point to snap a quick photo or two when I know his schedule.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

I slipped back down to Artist Alley for a few shots and couldn’t resist snapping this design by Michael Golden. Looks familiar doesn’t it? Do you know the story about it? It’s a hoot.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

Let me stop here and leave the rest for tomorrow since there still is enough images for one more Day Two posting. Please be sure to click through on the website links down below and to make this all the more special, I’ve added some Amazon.com purchase links for some of the items that were discussed in this chapter. Don’t forget to follow PiercingMetal on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube so you don’t miss a second of the fun. See you next time.

Official Websites:
New York Comic Con: http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Alan Robert: https://thebeautyofhorror.com/
Brian Ewing: http://www.brianewing.com/
Coheed and Cambria: https://www.coheedandcambria.com/
Evil Ink Press: https://evilink.com/
Hendo Art: https://www.instagram.com/hendoart/
IDW Publishing: https://www.idwpublishing.com/
Impact Theory Comics: https://comics.impacttheory.com/
Scott Hanna: https://twitter.com/inkerscott1

new york comic con logo - bw

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Four)

2019 new york comic con logo

Greetings and felicitations my fellow Geeks and welcome to PiercingMetal’s comprehensive overview of the 2019 New York Comic Con. As you might notice, this is still the Day One visuals from the massive four-day affair but I am winding down on this day and will be sharing the sights and scenes from Day Two soon enough. Make sure that you are following along from the beginning since its much more fun to do that why by clicking HERE. It will open a new tab with ALL of the New York Comic Con content. I’m still down in the Artist Alley where I was when I last talked to you and am continuing on with pics of Art Baltazar and Franco. They each work on some super cute stuff.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Four)

Exploring Five Points Festival @ Pier 36: Part 3 (5/20/2017)

Hello there my friends, I am back with another chapter in my Five Points Festival coverage. You’ve arrived at Part Three so I’m hoping that you’ve seen the previous installments because I’m wandering through in an aisle by aisle fashion. Let’s get on down to business shall we.

five points festival, five points fest, five points festival photos

Hey look its Sasha Yosselani.  You probably recognize her from my NYCC posts over the last couple of years.

five points festival, five points fest, five points festival photos
Continue reading Exploring Five Points Festival @ Pier 36: Part 3 (5/20/2017)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)

Congratulations readers you have safely arrived at the final batch of posts for the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’ve been doing this sort of post for a couple of weeks in order to make sure I got all of the necessary images to your favorite device. Today begins the Sunday session of NYCC which is the “Family Day” event. That means a whole LOT of little ones are scurrying about so you need to pay attention. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. I’ll start my visuals with a super team of creatives in Marjorie Liu and Amy Chu. I need to look more into Marjorie’s work as “Monstress” sure sounds interesting. Amy is known to me for her work on the brand new KISS Comic which I have read in previews. They were at the Comixology table signing the trading cards with their faces on them.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)