Tag Archives: scarlet speedster

On Shelves: “The Flash” #750 – Happy 80th Anniversary

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Back in January, I helped share the news about the comic book milestone issue #750 for DC Comics “The Flash”. For this special edition one-shot, there would be a series of “Decades” variants much like the ones we saw for “Wonder Woman” #750. My variant covers “reveal” post for “The Flash” #750 can be examined HERE. The standard edition of this special edition is presented for you below and then I decided to have a little fun.

comic book covers, dc comics, dc entertainment, the flash
“The Flash” #750

Since it was New Comic Book Day and since we were in our local comic book shop (Galaxy Comics in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn), I decided to have some fun and capture a quick video of all the individual issues on the racks and say a little bit about the whole batch. It makes for some good YouTube Channel content and we’d love to have you as subscribers on this medium so be sure to click HERE, choose “subscribe” and click the bell to be alerted to any newness.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: As I noted that was likely to do when this hit the stands, I picked up a single copy of the issue that you see in this post because I don’t have the space for “8” additional issues of a single title anymore. Let me add to the fact that there is also going to be a special edition “Green Lantern” and “Joker” issue coming and those will also run between 8-10 dollars apiece. I miss the days when this hobby wasn’t as expensive as its become. So what do you readers think about this announcement? Will you be purchasing this special edition of “The Flash” or its multiple variant covers? Chime in down below in the comments section. See you next time.

Official Website: http://www.dccomics.com
Official Character Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_(Barry_Allen)

DC Comics Reveals “The Flash” 750th Issue “Decades” Variants

the flash comics logo

The Press Release:
On March 4th, the landmark The Flash #750 hits comic book stores and participating digital retailers, spotlighting the Scarlet Speedster and including incredible stories from Flash’s past, present and future. This oversized tribute to one of pop culture’s speediest heroes is guaranteed to become a collectors’ item when it hits stores!

comic book covers, dc comics, dc entertainment, the flash
“The Flash” #750

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