Hey there my friends, this is just a quick notice to remind everyone in our sphere that the famed Comic-Con International: San Diego is starting up today over at the San Diego Convention Center. Those who are going to be in attendance already know this of course but there are a whole lot of geek-minded folks like myself who are sitting it out and waiting with baited breath for all the reveals in the comic book industry and of course the films and television shows that we lean most to. Down below you’ll find the cover image of their annual Souvenir Book which I am understanding is a downloadable PDF these days. I’ll put an official link down below just in case those not attending can download it as well. Truth be told I’d like to leaf through this myself even if I’d be doing so on Adobe Reader.
For those in the unaware, the San Diego Comic Con runs for four full days like the NYCC version with the exception of having a preview night for industry. Some might recall that New York used to have a half day only for industry and media but now its all-in at once. A preview night like that might be super fun and informative to attend but I digress. Now it might surprise you to learn that I’ve never attended the San Diego Comic Con despite having a considerable interest in doing so. Historically speaking, the PiercingMetal website has been attending the New York Comic Con since 2010, the Anime NYC convention since 2017 and of course Toy Fair since 2011 so this kind of massive media event is right up our creative alley and something that we’ve gotten quite good at covering. Sadly, the scheduling and financials involved in such a journey are not easy to work out when you do this as a solo artist and there is very little funding coming in if at all. That makes us just rally from behind our computer screen. So you might be wondering why I’d even help laud such a thing when we aren’t planning on going and well the answer is simple. The reveals and happenings will be coming in fast and furious and I will do my best to inform you on the ones that matter the most to our readership. I know that it’s probably too early for any video from DC Studios and James Gunn but perhaps some of the upcoming television shows from them will come to light along with things for Disney+ and Marvel Studios. Having the one single film of “Deadpool & Wolverine” being released tomorrow has made me hanker for what’s to come. Like I said I will share what I can cobble together so do please stay tuned. If you’re heading to the convention I’d love for you to chime in down below and let me know. Don’t worry I won’t be asking you to buy me anything. I mean you can but again, I’m off tangent here. See you next time and click on THIS TAG to see any San Diego Comic-Con posts from the 2024 Event. Ciao.
Official: https://www.comic-con.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comiccon
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