Tag Archives: run dmc

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Two (Part 2)

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Continuing along from where we left off in the previous installment, I say “Welcome Back” my friends to the continued and oh so comprehensive covering of the 2023 New York Comic Con which recently took over NYC at the Javits Center. I’m now on the Day Two offerings and up to the second chapter so I won’t dance around too much longer in the introduction. I’ve still a lot to showcase from Day Two and through it all have been posting to Instagram and doing interviews for the YouTube Channel. You might recall that I closed up last time by heading back into the fray and these first couple of photos show you just that. If you’re just now joining us though I am going to ask that you click HERE first to see ALL of our NYCC 2023 posts in a new window. That lets you start at the beginning which is the best place to begin when it comes to the way I present this stuff. Here we go.

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Two (Part 2)

Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter One

convention logos, special edition nyc, special edition nyc 2014

This weekend was the sophomore go-round for the Special Edition NYC Convention which some readers of the site and those who attended last will recall as being held at the Javits Center where we find the massive NY Comic Con taking place. This year would be different and the event would set up shop down on Pier 94 way down on the West Side. This event space is quite a hike and I only mention that for any Cosplayers heading to it sporting massive bulk to their costumes. Also the slightly in need of more exercise folks such as myself. I’ll be presenting about “50” images in each post as I’ve done in all of our Comic Con reports. Let’s get to exploring.

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Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

As you can see by the sign at the entrance, the Special Edition NYC proudly showcases their social networks and encourages Tweeting and Instagram stuff from their attendees. I’m definitely going to be doing this via my sites own accounts of @piercingmetal and @piercingmetalnyc so check those out and give us a follow if you are enjoying the offerings.

special edition nyc, special edition nyc 2015, senyc, senyc 2015
Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

Continue reading Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter One

Hard Rock Cafe @ Yankee Stadium Grand Opening Celebration with Ace Frehley

hard rock cafe yankee stadium, hard rock cafe yankee stadium grand opening
Welcome to Yankee Stadium

The answer to the question about whether the PiercingMetal.com Editor leans to either the Yankees or the Mets might be solved by the very existence of this article as it finds me being on point for an affair at the brand new Yankee Stadium as the new Hard Rock Café opened its doors with the help of Ace Frehley, Scott Ian, Frank Bello, Anton Fig and Darryl “DMC” McDaniels today. That’s not a bad show of New York musical support and when you add former Yankee Bernie Williams to the mix you have a really rousing opening. I’ve been to the Hard Rock Café a number of times at its other locations and even reviewed a couple of shows that had gone on there, so when the chance arose to see Ace and the Anthrax guys open up the new one I could hardly resist. Here is how the opening day experience went down for those who have interest in learning more.

Continue reading Hard Rock Cafe @ Yankee Stadium Grand Opening Celebration with Ace Frehley