Tag Archives: rob paulsen

Show Highlights From NYCC Metaverse: Day Four

nycc x mcm comic con metaverse logo

The Scoop: Hey my friends, I am back one final time to line out some of the highlights of the past few days virtual event “New York Comic Con x MCM Comic Con’s Metaverse” which took the place of the pandemically cancelled New York Comic Con this year. The list below comes from the events media representatives and I am sharing them with you in the event you missed some of these discussions. Take a look.

* Animaniacs’ executive producer Wellesley Wild, co-executive producer Gabe Swarr and voice cast members Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Jess Harnell and Maurice LaMarche came together for a zany to the max panel discussing the upcoming Hulu reboot and reveled a teaser clip:

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Airing Today: “Green Lantern: The Animated Series” (11/11/2011)

It might be National Metal Day for us diehards but for the animated series maniacs today is rather important because the “Green Lantern Animated Series” begins airing today as well on the Cartoon Network. It’s Developed by Bruce Timm, Giancarlo Volpe and Jim Krieg with Direction by Sam Liu, and Rick Morales. From the looks of GL in the banner below, you can tell that this will work with the same animation style as “Batman Adventures” and “The Adventures Of Superman’. I like that for consistency sake.

Banner - Green Lantern Animated

The series is computer generated which should be really cool to see on television and it follows the adventures of Green Lantern and Kilowog as they travel to the far ends of space and come into conflict with assorted lanterns across the spectrum. We’ll find Red, Orange, Blue and Yellow Lanterns coming into blows with our emerald hero. The cast is below.
Continue reading Airing Today: “Green Lantern: The Animated Series” (11/11/2011)