Tag Archives: renee witterstaetter

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014: Day 3 – Part 2 (10/11/2014)

Well hello again, its nice to see you back here. There is a lot to absorb here from the Day Three things at NY Comic Con so I am just going to get started with some additional adventures from my wanderings in Artist Alley. Here’s Mr. Paul Mounts, colorist supreme.  At times I will note the artist if their name is not displayed but most of the cosplayers I will not since you know these outfits by now I am sure.  Time to zoom zoom zoom.

ny comic con 2014, ny comic con, nycc 2014

ny comic con 2014, ny comic con, nycc 2014
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014: Day 3 – Part 2 (10/11/2014)

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 2

We are cooking with some serious gas here my friends as I continue to steamroll through the Day Four findings of the 2013 NY Comic Con. For this chapter you will find me snapping away in the Artist Alley. My visuals will be a mixture of cosplayer and talented artists and writers. Since most of the talent have their name in the photo as well I didn’t repeat myself and type them. Their links will of course be at the end of the chapter so you can learn some more.

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 2