Tag Archives: randy jackson

“We Are Twisted F**king Sister” [Blu-ray] by Twisted Sister

Artist: Twisted Sister
Title: “We Are Twisted F**king Sister”
Eagle Vision
Release Date:
Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Documentary
Rating: 4/5

Before I begin the discussion about this particular music history documentary, I must make the readership aware that I have been listening to the band Twisted Sister for a number of decades now and began my own personal journey with them around the time that the “Ruff Cuts” EP was released. Believe it or not I still have a copy of it somewhere in my collection of albums. That being said I was super interested in observing the documentary that Andrew Horn put together because it was not only going to give us insight from all of the band members that we know from the classic lineup, it would also get some insight from a former member or two and the people that worked closely alongside them at the very beginning.
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Win Tix To See Robin Zander In NYC On 4/4/2013

Poster - Robin Zander at BB Kings - 2013

The Details: I’ve been a fan of Cheap Trick’s Robin Zander since the first time I heard him singing on that legendary album “Live At Budokan”. The live recording was a juggernaut and while the band had been around for a few years already, this was my own introduction and beginning of my appreciation of his incredible style. I am not alone in this by any means. That being said, I am incredibly excited to have this latest contest thanks to the folks at B.B. King Blues Club for his performance this week. Zander will be bringing along Zebra’s Randy Jackson as his opener. This is going to be a good one, read on to learn how to participate.
Continue reading Win Tix To See Robin Zander In NYC On 4/4/2013

New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 7

new year's music resolutions

“Happy New Year and Welcome Back!!!” Did you have a nice New Year’s Eve? Is your head still ringing like a fire bell? I will hope that it’s just a little bit of a headache and oh if you are wondering how the heck I am already up and at ’em and posting the first blog post ever for 2013 at this unholy hour wonder no more. I programmed it to go online yesterday afternoon (snicker). Ah the magic of technology. So let’s get right down to it and enjoy the continued “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013” from some musical greats.

1. Gogo Melone (Luna Obscura): If the world won’t destroy in December 21 which will be very odd because we already live in a destroyed world :)) then my New Year’s Music Resolution for 2013 will be to finish the recordings and everything for Luna Obscura’s new album plus my solo work “Black Silent Vision”. Both have very dark, emotional music and is the most mature stuff that we have ever write so it’s imperative need for us to share them with our fans. Let’s see 🙂
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 7

Zebra @ B.B. King Blues Club (12/27/2009)

Logo - Zebra

Artist: Zebra
Venue: B.B. King Blues Club (New York, NY)
Opener: Jimmy Kunes
Date: 12/27/2009
Label: Mayhem Records

To many music fans the name of the band Zebra remains a mystery and I feel bad for them based on just how much enjoyment I have gotten from their material and live shows over the years. Originally formed in New Orleans way back in 1975, the band eventually moved to New York and ruled the club circuit of Long Island before releasing their self-titled debut on Atlantic Records. The three piece unit no longer plays together as often as they used to but when shows do take place you can count on them being a rousing affair that finds latecomers often being turned away depending on what venue the show is happening at. Tonight Zebra would return to B.B. King Blues Club and bring along as a special guest opener Jimmy Kunes who many Classic Rock fans might remember as the singer for Cactus these days. This would be my last show for the year and what an amazing run of events it had been when I sat and reflected on it. Here is how the evening played out in case you missed it.
Continue reading Zebra @ B.B. King Blues Club (12/27/2009)

Zebra’s Randy Jackson @ J&R Music World (8/29/2009)

Randy Jackson is the powerhouse voice and guitar behind the band Zebra and for the past three decades has entertained fans with their incredible brand of Hard Rock. Every so often we find the musician doing an acoustic set of material at a venue near you but this time he would be performing at J&R Music World’s music instrument store and offer fans and customers the chance to enjoy him in very close quarters and for free. We couldn’t resist the chance to take part in this.

Logo - Zebra

Artist: Randy Jackson (Zebra)
Venue: J&R Music World (New York, NY)
Opener: n/a
Date: 8/29/2009

As the summer moved steadily to a close I had to say that New York City was being treated to an incredibly diverse amount of Metal and Hard Rock shows and more than I can remember the previous years offering us. The summer itself had been a productive one in terms of what it had delivered to the fans and over the past two weeks alone we found Marduk, Otep, Mushroomhead, Night Ranger, Heaven and Hell and even former Manowar guitarist Ross The Boss who happened to play a rousing set of music until the wee hours of this very morning with NWOBHM’s Raven as direct support. It appeared that the only thing heavier than the music would be the dreadful level of humidity that had been hitting us over the recent weeks. Today’s fun would definitely be something special in nature and find guitarist/singer Randy Jackson from Zebra delivering an acoustic set of tunes in the new J&R Music World music instrument store. I really love that J&R Music World does these kinds of things and feel they totally understand the music fans that are out there and in the recent past we have been present for in-store signings by the likes of Halford and Twisted Sister and in store gigs from Shadow’s Fall so it would be cool to enjoy the difference of an acoustic set by Randy.
Continue reading Zebra’s Randy Jackson @ J&R Music World (8/29/2009)