Tag Archives: piercingken blog

My Lifestyle Blogsite PiercingKen.com Is Now Six Years Old :)

Hey there readers, please pardon my break in the usual offerings for a moment but I wanted to share the news that my Lifestyle Blog “PiercingKen” is now six years old. The actual anniversary was yesterday but I had other items queued up here on PiercingMetal.com and had to wait a little longer before sharing the news about that domain surpassing 2,190 days online. I’ve enjoyed this being my creative home away from home because its made my process even more fun and challenging since I speak about so many different topics on that site that are in no way related to the Heavy Metal music scene. For those folks who are just now hearing about this site since so many people are new to our mix, the PiercingKen.com site is loaded with NYC photos, touristy stuff, food forays and cooking adventures and the occasional music piece that has nothing to do with Metal but still needs to be talked about. Sometimes I use that site to discuss things on PiercingMetal and that is why in this case, PM.com is being used the same way.


Before continuing on, I wanted to discuss the photo you see above. I had a little fun with the 6th anniversary image for this post and scanned half of a “Justice League of America” ruler that I have had since 1975. If you look carefully you will notice that I chopped the photo at the 6th interval. I love this ruler and am happy that I still have it so many years later. Do you recognize all the characters in the image? If you don’t its Hawkman, Batgirl, Captain Marvel (SHAZAM), Plastic Man, Batman and Superman. Maybe I will use the full photo when PiercingMetal.com hits its 12th Anniversary in 2017 but I digress. The activity on PiercingKen.com has been pretty busy over the last year and I’m just about to hit “500” posts over there which is pretty cool. Many things are photographic presentations as those work out best for the museum pieces and the fashion ones but when I chime in I hope that it inspires you to go check out the topic being discussed. In my Metal Scribe life I have met a lot of visiting people to my city and since the lifestyle site talks about non-concert places to do things and to eat, I always make sure to mention they follow the site on Facebook and Twitter or even Instagram to be in the loop at all times. I love sending our tourists to our sights when it comes down to it. As you can imagine, I don’t post on PiercingKen as much as I do on PiercingMetal but that is fine since there is always something going on that merits my sharing it there and my goal for this year is to see how close I can get to the 600th post point.

Alright its time for me to get back to the business at hand. Thanks to all who are finding this other website of mine to their liking. Its goal is a simple one and that’s to entertain. I’m fairly certain that the mission was accomplished before it even hit year five. Click the main link below to see the latest stuff and do find those Social Networks so you don’t miss anything else. Ciao.

Official Website: http://www.piercingken.com

The PiercingKen Blog Is Officially Five Years Old!

Hey there loyal readers. I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that today marks the 5th Anniversary of my Lifestyle Blog, “The Chronicles Of PiercingKen”. For the new visitor, this website was launched to be my “everything else” home on the web and gives me the means to share the other things that I see as a NYC resident and explorer. There is food, fashion, art, music and tourism and I’m quite proud of it because it let’s me show off just how cool living in the Big Apple is. Click the image below to be brought over to the website and see what has been going on over on that side of the creative fence.

“The Chronicles Of PiercingKen” utilizes all of the major Social Networks to fun advantage so please give a like or follow using the links below. Now back to the Metal and thanks for supporting all of these presentations.

Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken
Official Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/piercingken
Official Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/piercingken
Official Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Piercingken

PiercingMetal Goes To Book Expo America 2011

OK so check this out. A few days ago I posted a narrative about my adventures at the Blog World Expo and New Media Conference that was held over at the Jacob Javits Center. The interesting experience was one that was very worth taking but I did feel that it could use some improvement to appeal to the kind of things that I am focused on as a provider of Internet viewpoints and how the Social Networking side works with them. Anyway, this particular event was being held on a lower level of the Javits while up in the larger main space was the Book Expo America for 2011. As I wandered the event with my good buddy Skeleton Pete I noticed a bunch of signs that said how the Book Expo participants were welcome to the Blog Expo. That made me curious about whether the reverse would be the case as well and indeed it was. As it turned out the participants of the Blog Expo were more than welcome to explore the Book Expo.

Since this was more of a side trip and not something that I had actually planned for coverage as the master and commander of the PiercingMetal brand, I added my notes and photographs to my personal blogsite PiercingKen.com; To check out some of the fun that was had during this additional adventure just click the photograph below. Hopefully when next years event comes around I will be able to attend and maybe even focus on the music and comic related entities who are scheduled to appear. Enjoy.

Click this photo for the Bookexpo America Article

Unlike the Toy Fair, this event is open to many different groups of people and I encourage any avid readers, bloggers and fellow members of the press to check it out. The official website link is below for your examination.

Official Website: http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/

Presenting The “PiercingKen.com Blog” (5/22/2010)

I’d like to take a moment to step outside of the usual things that you readers enjoy on the Official Blog for PiercingMetal.com to share some news about my latest adventure in media. Please allow me to present for your blog surfing pleasure – “The PiercingKen Blog”.

The Link: http://piercingken.com/welcome-to-the-chronicles-of-piercingken/

Clicking the link above takes you to the blog’s very first post and while it lines out the plans, the premise and the reasons for which I launched it in its introduction narrative; I will give you a quick 411 just the same. The idea for this particular blog was to be able to showcase and share the other photography, ideas and things that came to my mind that did not fall into the PiercingMetal core site or blog focus. There were times where I have written things here that would have been better served up on something like the new blog, and now I have the place to put them without going too far in another direction. I also shoot photos of the world around me every single day and another reason is that it let’s me keep my photography and the rest from ending up on Facebook alone.
Continue reading Presenting The “PiercingKen.com Blog” (5/22/2010)