Tag Archives: peter cushing

“Star Wars”: A Galactic Saga Hits Four Decades (1977-2017)

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….” – It’s amazing to realize that this amazing Space Opera was released forty years ago on this very day. I don’t need to cite how those introductory words brought us to the flourish of the orchestrated soundtrack while the opening crawl began and filled us in about what was going on in this particular galaxy. The ride began here and what a ride it’s been. The film and its subsequent sequels have become one of the biggest selling franchises in cinematic history.

I’m happy to report that I saw this film not long after it opened in the cinema, and it was at the now shuttered Ziegfeld Theater in NYC with my Grandmother. She had taken me as a birthday present as the film opened up a few days before I would be celebrating. I don’t remember how long after it opened that we went but it was not open long for sure. I don’t have the ticket from the show as one wasn’t keeping that sort of stuff way back then, or at least I wasn’t – Yet 🙂 I loved the film and am pretty sure that I convinced Nan to take me again or the parents. I wasn’t seeing movies with my friends yet back in 1977. When did you see this film? Are you old enough to have said you saw it during its original theatrical run like I was fortunate to do? Hopefully you aren’t one of those folks that have never seen the film because I have heard that a few of you are out there. I’ll run down the cast in a moment but first – Behold the Original “Star Wars” Theatrical Poster. Magnificent isn’t it?

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