Tag Archives: paul davidson

Marvel Announces “Giant-Size Daredevil” One-Shot For June

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The Press Release:
This year, Marvel Comics proudly celebrates 50 years of iconic GIANT-SIZE storytelling with new GIANT-SIZE one-shots each and every month! Starring today’s most iconic headlining heroes, this new line of GIANT-SIZE issues pay tribute to the epic GIANT-SIZE comics of the 1970s by presenting pivotal status quo shifts, exciting first appearances, and dramatic developments. In June, current Daredevil scribe Saladin Ahmed and artist Paul Davidson (X-Force) deliver a key chapter in Daredevil’s ongoing saga in GIANT-SIZE DAREDEVIL #1.

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“Giant-Size Daredevil” #1

Daredevil’s latest run has seen Matt Murdock devote himself to two different callings. When he’s not suited up as the Man Without Fear, Matt is serving as Hell’s Kitchen’s newest priest! At the center of this new status quo is a terrifying mystery as demonic entities tied to Daredevil’s very soul begin to target his loved ones. With a mysterious connection to the seven deadly sins, these vengeful supernatural forces will now seek to inhabit Daredevil’s ultimate enemy—KINGPIN!
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Marvel Reveals “Moon Knight” #200 David Finch Variant Cover

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The Press Release:
An extra special issue deserves an extra special cover, and Marvel is excited to reveal a new variant cover for MOON KNIGHT #200 from a superstar artist known for one of MOON KNIGHT’s most acclaimed runs, David Finch! With colors by Frank D’Armata, Finch returns to Marvel to bring his memorable talent to one of Marvel’s grittiest and most unique characters. Don’t miss MOON KNIGHT #200, in comic shops October 24th!

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“Moon Knight” #200 by David Finch

MOON KNIGHT #200: Written by MAX BEMIS

FOC – 10/1/18, On Sale – 10/24/18

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve always loved the Moon Knight character ever since he first appeared in “Werewolf By Night” so many years ago but I must admit that I am not on top of his most recent batch of adventures. I collected several of his series over the years and they are secure in a long box somewhere in my storage unit. I’m stoked to share that the characters title will hit a milestone of “200” issues (and be aware this is based on the return to the legacy numbering – I know, it confuses me too). I will probably grab this one when it hits the racks next month and hope that somehow this puts more interest in bringing him to a series on Netflix or maybe even introduced into the MCU. Wouldn’t that be sweet. Chime in down below if you have anything to add but for now I am done and be aware that I am once again attending the NY Comic Con as a member of the Press and shall be documenting the adventures on the website and across our Official Social Networks of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so be sure to follow those accounts if you aren’t already. Until next time.

Official Website: http://www.marvel.com
Official Character Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Knight