Tag Archives: patrick sheridan

New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 8

new year's music resolutions

Queue dramatic lead in music and grab those tissues to wipe away the tears dear readers because we have reached the final installment of our “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014” and what a fun ride it has been. Now without any further adieu please enjoy this last batch of submitted resolutions.

1. Patrick Sheridan (Fit For An Autopsy): my new years music resolution for 2014 is to keep not giving a fuck what people think or what they tell us about what we should do, and keep doing exactly what we want. thanks to all our friends and fans for their support, and thanks to our label for letting us be who the fuck we are!!!! 2014, we crush!!!

2. Ira Black (Attika 7/former Lizzy Borden): 2014 is the year to get my name on the map! The first one is slated to go and I will have a major press release soon, guaranteed to be the biggest music project, to date, in my career, which I’m very excited about! This year is also the year for me to finish or discard any projects that I have waiting in the wings to be finished! The Ira Black solo record will be included in “Projects to be finished”…. My brothers from Attika 7 and I will be delivering a knockout album this year and doing a ton of touring for a good part of the spring/summer touring season. We have an incredible plan in place and look forward to executing it! I will also be writing a lot of music, new material for myself and other projects, per current negotiations for future collaborations TBA soon! I would also like to thank all the awesome people I’m surrounded by and will strive harder to show my gratitude and will be more patient and Loving to those who matter most to me, which is everyone! Peace.
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 8